Main PFV board configuration

interface RcsbFvBoardConfigInterface {
    borderColor?: string;
    borderWidth?: number;
    disableMenu?: boolean;
    elementClickCallback?: (
        d?: RcsbFvTrackDataElementInterface,
        e?: MouseEvent,
    ) => void;
    elementEnterCallback?: (
        d?: RcsbFvTrackDataElementInterface,
        e?: MouseEvent,
    ) => void;
    elementLeaveCallback?: (
        d?: RcsbFvTrackDataElementInterface,
        e?: MouseEvent,
    ) => void;
    hideInnerBorder?: boolean;
    hideRowGlow?: boolean;
    hideTrackFrameGlow?: boolean;
    highlightHoverCallback?: (n: RcsbFvTrackDataElementInterface[]) => void;
    highlightHoverElement?: boolean;
    highlightHoverPosition?: boolean;
    includeAxis?: boolean;
    includeTooltip?: boolean;
    length?: number;
    onFvRenderStartsCallback?: () => void;
    range?: { max: number; min: number };
    rowTitleWidth?: number;
    selectionChangeCallback?: (
        selection: RcsbFvTrackDataElementInterface[],
    ) => void;
    tooltipGenerator?: RcsbFvTooltipInterface;
    trackWidth?: number;


borderColor?: string

Feature cells border color

borderWidth?: number

Feature cells border width

disableMenu?: boolean

Disable UI menu

elementClickCallback?: (
    d?: RcsbFvTrackDataElementInterface,
    e?: MouseEvent,
) => void

Function that will be called when a track annotation is clicked

elementEnterCallback?: (
    d?: RcsbFvTrackDataElementInterface,
    e?: MouseEvent,
) => void

Function that will be called when hovering a track annotation

elementLeaveCallback?: (
    d?: RcsbFvTrackDataElementInterface,
    e?: MouseEvent,
) => void

Function that will be called when mouse-leaving a track annotation

hideInnerBorder?: boolean

Hide all row bottom border except for the last one

hideRowGlow?: boolean

Hide row hover glow

hideTrackFrameGlow?: boolean

Hide PFV tracks main frame border glow

highlightHoverCallback?: (n: RcsbFvTrackDataElementInterface[]) => void

Function call on hover event

highlightHoverElement?: boolean

Set highlight hover track elements

highlightHoverPosition?: boolean

Set highlight hover position

includeAxis?: boolean

Include axis track. It will be displayed in the first board track

includeTooltip?: boolean

Show tooltip when hovering track annotations

length?: number

Length of the board. If is provided the board track coordinates will range from 1 to

onFvRenderStartsCallback?: () => void

Callback function called when the feature viewer rendering starts

range?: { max: number; min: number }

Range of the board. If is provided the board track coordinates will range from to

rowTitleWidth?: number

Width of the track title cells

selectionChangeCallback?: (selection: RcsbFvTrackDataElementInterface[]) => void

Function that will be called when selection changes

tooltipGenerator?: RcsbFvTooltipInterface

Tooltip generation

trackWidth?: number

Width of the track annotation cells