This className provides an abstraction layer to build and manage a particular board annotation cell


  • RcsbFvTrack



contextManager: RcsbFvContextManager

Event Handler Manager. This is a common object for all board annotation cells

elementId: string

DOM element id where the SVG component will be rendered

rcsbBoard: RcsbBoard

SVG/HTML level object manager

rcsbFvConfig: RcsbFvConfig

Row configuration object

rcsbFvDisplay: RcsbFvDisplay

Object that handles how data needs to be displayed

rcsbTrackArray: RcsbDisplayInterface[] = ...

Board annotation cells may contain different tracks to avoid visual overlapping

selection: RcsbSelection

Current selection object. This is a common for all board annotation cells

subscription: Subscription

Event handler subscription

xScale: RcsbScaleInterface<number, ScaleLinear<number, number, never>>

X-Scale d3 object. This is a common for all board annotation cells


  • Subscribe function to handle events and communicate all board track annotations cell panels

    Returns Subscription

    Subscription object

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