Annotation Element Interface

interface RcsbFvTrackDataElementInterface {
    begin: number;
    color?: string;
    elementClickCallback?: (
        x: RcsbFvTrackDataElementInterface,
        e?: MouseEvent,
    ) => void;
    end?: number;
    gaps?: RcsbFvTrackDataElementGapInterface[];
    isEmpty?: boolean;
    label?: string;
    nonSpecific?: boolean;
    openBegin?: boolean;
    openEnd?: boolean;
    value?: number;
    values?: number[];

Hierarchy (View Summary)


begin: number

Annotation start position

color?: string

Annotation displayed color

elementClickCallback?: (
    x: RcsbFvTrackDataElementInterface,
    e?: MouseEvent,
) => void

Callback when the annotation is clicked

end?: number

Annotation end position

Annotation gaps that should be displayed as a dashed line

isEmpty?: boolean

Annotation inner region should not be highlighted

label?: string

Annotation label. This information might be displayed in the annotation tooltip

nonSpecific?: boolean

Annotation object is not a real annotation but a selected area from the user

openBegin?: boolean

Draw a circle on the start side of blocks

openEnd?: boolean

Draw a circle on the end side of blocks

value?: number

Annotation local value. E.g. interface residue energy

values?: number[]

Annotation local multidimensional value. E.g. Surface normal vector