Adds a new track to the board
Track configuration data
Adds new annotations for a particular board track
Id that identifies the track
Annotations to be added in the track
Changes track visibility (true/false)
Track visibility event data
Clear Selection
mode: "select" | "hover"board configuration
Gets the configuration for each row of the board
Get board view range
Get selected board ranges
selection type
Returns all track Ids in the same order that are visualised in the board
Renders the board
Move board track
original position
new position *
reset Selection and Scale
Rerender the board track
Id that identifies the track
Loads the configuration of the board
Configuration of the board
Loads the configuration for each row of the board
Array of configurations for each row in the board
Change board view range
new xScale domain
Unmount the board
Method used to update board global and all-tracks configuration
New board configuration data
Replaces annotations a particular board track
Id that identifies the track
New annotations to be displayed
displayId: stringoptional Id that identifies track from a composite track to update
Protein Feature Viewer entry point