Interface RcsbFvInterface<P, S, R, M>

Protein Feature Viewer (PFV) constructor interface

interface RcsbFvInterface<
    P extends { [k: string]: any } = {},
    S extends { [k: string]: any } = {},
    R extends { [k: string]: any } = {},
    M extends { [k: string]: any } = {},
> {
    boardConfigData: RcsbFvBoardConfigInterface;
    elementId: string;
    rowConfigData: RcsbFvRowConfigInterface<P, S, R, M>[];

Type Parameters

  • P extends { [k: string]: any } = {}
  • S extends { [k: string]: any } = {}
  • R extends { [k: string]: any } = {}
  • M extends { [k: string]: any } = {}


Board global configuration

elementId: string

DOM element Id where the PFV will be rendered

rowConfigData: RcsbFvRowConfigInterface<P, S, R, M>[]

Array of configurations for each board track