Board track configuration manager className




boardId: string

DOM element Id where the PFV will be rendered

displayColor?: string | RcsbFvColorGradient

Annotation elements color

Array of display configurations in composite displays

displayDomain?: [number, number]

Y scale domain range

displayType: RcsbFvDisplayTypes

Type of data representation

dynamicDisplay?: boolean

Type of data representation

elementClickCallback?: (
    d?: RcsbFvTrackDataElementInterface,
    e?: MouseEvent,
) => void

Function that will be called when annotations in this track are clicked

elementEnterCallback?: (
    d?: RcsbFvTrackDataElementInterface,
    e?: MouseEvent,
) => void

Function that will be called when clicking annotations in this track

elementId?: string

DOM element Id where the board track is displayed

elementLeaveCallback?: (
    d?: RcsbFvTrackDataElementInterface,
    e?: MouseEvent,
) => void

Function that will be called when mouse-leaving a track annotation

hideEmptyTrackFlag?: boolean

Hide tracks with no visible data. Needs selectDataInRangeFlag = true

hideInnerBorder?: boolean

Hide bottom border (last row is ignored)

hideRowGlow?: boolean

Hide row hover glow

highlightHoverCallback?: (n: RcsbFvTrackDataElementInterface[]) => void

Function call on hover event

highlightHoverElement?: boolean

Set highlight hover track elements

highlightHoverPosition?: boolean

Set highlight hover position

includeTooltip?: boolean

Show tooltip when hovering annotations in this specific track

interpolationType?: string

Interpolation type for sequence scalar annotations

length: number

Length of the track. If length is provided the track coordinates will range from 1 to

minRatio?: number

Residue density threshold used to display/hide annotations

nonEmptyDisplay?: boolean

Flag used in sequence display type to force displaying a line when sequence objects are not visible

overlap: boolean = false

If true, track annotations can overlap

range: { max: number; min: number }

Range of the track. If range is provided the track coordinates will range from to

selectDataInRangeFlag?: boolean

Only data that fall in the current feature viewer range in rendered

tooltipGenerator?: RcsbFvTooltipInterface

Tooltip generation

trackColor?: string

Background color of the track

trackData?: RcsbFvTrackData<{ [k: string]: any }>

Data structure containing the annotations

trackHeight?: number

Full length of the track

trackId: string

Id used to identify the board track

trackWidth?: number

Full length of the track

updateDataOnMove?: (
    d: LocationViewInterface,
) => Promise<RcsbFvTrackData<{ [k: string]: any }>>

Function that will be called to update track displayed data when the board is moved or zoomed
