Module: MmtfTraverse

mmtf traverse module.


<static> traverseMmtf(mmtfData, eventCallbacks, params)

Traverse the MMTF structure data.
Name Type Argument Description
mmtfData module:MmtfDecode.MmtfData decoded mmtf data
eventCallbacks Object
Name Type Argument Description
onModel module:MmtfTraverse.onModel <optional>
called for each model
onChain module:MmtfTraverse.onChain <optional>
called for each chain
onGroup module:MmtfTraverse.onGroup <optional>
called for each group
onAtom module:MmtfTraverse.onAtom <optional>
called for each atom
onBond module:MmtfTraverse.onBond <optional>
called for each bond
params Object <optional>
traversal parameters
Name Type Argument Description
firstModelOnly Boolean <optional>
traverse only the first model

Type Definitions


Name Type Description
atomData Object
Name Type Argument Description
atomIndex Integer index of the atom
groupIndex Integer index of the parent group
chainIndex Integer index of the parent chain
modelIndex Integer index of the parent model
atomId Integer <nullable>
atom id
element String IUPAC element name, 0 to 3 characters
atomName String name of the atom, 0 to 5 characters
atomCharge Integer formal charge of the atom
xCoord Float x coordinate in Å
yCoord Float y coordinate in Å
zCoord Float z coordinate in Å
bFactor Float <nullable>
B-factor in in Å^2
altLoc Char <nullable>
alternate location identifier
occupancy Float <nullable>
occupancy of the atom


Name Type Description
bondData Object
Name Type Description
atomIndex1 Integer index of the first atom
atomIndex2 Integer index of the secound atom
bondOrder Integer bond order, allowed values are 1 to 3


Name Type Description
chainData Object
Name Type Argument Description
groupCount Integer number of groups in the chain
chainIndex Integer index of the chain
modelIndex Integer index of the parent model
chainId String chain id
chainName String <nullable>
additional chain name


Name Type Description
groupData Object
Name Type Argument Description
atomCount Integer number of atoms in the group
groupIndex Integer index of the group
chainIndex Integer index of the parent chain
modelIndex Integer index of the parent model
groupId Integer group id (residue number)
groupType Integer index to an entry in module:MmtfDecode.MmtfData#groupList
groupName String name of the group, 0 to 5 characters
singleLetterCode Char IUPAC single letter code, otherwise 'X', 1 character
chemCompType String chemical component type from the mmCIF dictionary
secStruct Integer <nullable>
sencoded secondary structure | 0: pi helix, 1: bend, 2: alpha helix, 3: extended, 4: 3-10 helix, 5: bridge, 6: turn, 7: coil, -1: undefined
insCode Char <nullable>
insertion code
sequenceIndex Integer <nullable>
index to the `sequence` property of the corresponding entity, -1 when the entity has no sequence


Name Type Description
modelData Object
Name Type Description
chainCount Integer number of chains in the model
modelIndex Integer index of the model