Source code in mmcif/api/DictionaryInclude.py
class DictionaryInclude(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.__itemNameRelatives = [
self.__categoryIdRelatives = [
self.__cwd = os.getcwd()
self.__dirPath = kwargs.get("dirPath", os.getcwd())
logger.info("Local dictionary include path relative to %s", self.__dirPath)
self.__dirStack = []
self.__locatorIndexD = {}
def processIncludedContent(self, containerList, cleanup=False):
"""Process any dictionary, category or item include instructions in any data containers in the
input list of dictionary data and definition containers.
containerList (list): list of input PdbxContainer data or definition container objects
cleanup (bool, optional): flag to remove generator category objects after parsing (default: False)
(list): list of data and definition containers incorporating included content
pathDdlIncludeDictionary = "mmcif_ddl-generator.dic"
myIo = IoAdapter(raiseExceptions=True)
containerList = myIo.readFile(inputFilePath=pathDdlIncludeDictionary)
logger.info("Starting container list length (%d)", len(containerList))
dIncl = DictionaryInclude()
inclL = dIncl.processIncludedContent(containerList)
logger.info("Processed included container length (%d)", len(inclL))
includeD = self.__getIncludeInstructions(containerList, cleanup=cleanup)
includeContentD = self.__fetchIncludedContent(includeD, cleanup=cleanup)
return self.__addIncludedContent(containerList, includeContentD)
def __addIncludedContent(self, containerList, includeContentD):
"""Incorporate included content described in the input dictionary of include instructions produced by
internal method __getIncludeInstructions().
containerList (list): list of input PdbxContainer data or definition container objects
includeContentD (dict): {"dictionaryIncludeDict": {dictionary_id: {...include details...}},
"categoryIncludeDict": {dictionary_id: {category_id: {...include details... }}},
"itemIncludeDict": {dictionary_id: {category_id: {itemName: {...include details...}}}}
(list): list of data and definition containers incorporating included content
# Index the current container list...
cD = OrderedDict()
datablockName = "unnamed_1"
for container in containerList:
if container.getType() == "data":
datablockName = container.getName()
# Handle potentially unconsolidated definitions --
cD.setdefault(datablockName, OrderedDict()).setdefault(container.getName(), []).append(container)
for datablockName in cD:
if datablockName in includeContentD:
if "replace" in includeContentD[datablockName]:
# Organize the replacements by name
replaceDefinitionD = OrderedDict()
replaceDataD = OrderedDict()
for container in includeContentD[datablockName]["replace"]:
if container.getType() == "definition":
replaceDefinitionD.setdefault(container.getName(), []).append(container)
replaceDataD.setdefault(datablockName, []).append(container)
for rN, rL in replaceDefinitionD.items():
if rN in cD[datablockName]:
cD[datablockName][rN] = rL
# replace data sections in the base container
baseContainer = cD[datablockName][datablockName][0]
for rN, containerL in replaceDataD.items():
for container in containerL:
for nm in container.getObjNameList():
obj = container.getObj(nm)
if "extend" in includeContentD[datablockName]:
extendDataD = OrderedDict()
for container in includeContentD[datablockName]["extend"]:
if container.getType() == "definition":
cD.setdefault(datablockName, OrderedDict()).setdefault(container.getName(), []).append(container)
extendDataD.setdefault(datablockName, []).append(container)
# extend data sections in the base container
baseContainer = cD[datablockName][datablockName][0]
for rN, containerL in extendDataD.items():
for container in containerL:
for nm in container.getObjNameList():
obj = container.getObj(nm)
if baseContainer.exists(nm):
baseObj = baseContainer.getObj(nm)
for ii in range(obj.getRowCount()):
rowD = obj.getRowAttributeDict(ii)
# Unwind the container index
fullL = []
for datablockName in cD:
for cL in cD[datablockName].values():
return fullL
def __getIncludeInstructions(self, containerList, cleanup=False):
"""Extract include instructions from categories pdbx_include_dictionary, pdbx_include_category, and pdbx_include_item.
containerList (list): list of input PdbxContainer data or definition container objects
cleanup (optional, bool): flag to remove generator category objects after parsing (default: False)
A dictionary containing the dictionary, category and and item level include details.
For example,
"dictionaryIncludeDict": {dictionary_id: {...include details...}},
"categoryIncludeDict": {dictionary_id: {category_id: {...include details... }}},
"itemIncludeDict": {dictionary_id: {category_id: {itemName: {...include details...}}}},
includeD = OrderedDict()
unNamed = 1
for container in containerList:
if container.getType() == "data":
dictionaryIncludeDict = OrderedDict()
categoryIncludeDict = OrderedDict()
itemIncludeDict = OrderedDict()
if container.getName():
datablockName = container.getName()
datablockName = str(unNamed)
unNamed += 1
logger.debug("Adding data sections from container name %s type %s", datablockName, container.getType())
tl = container.getObj("pdbx_include_dictionary")
if tl is not None:
for row in tl.getRowList():
tD = OrderedDict()
for atName in ["dictionary_id", "dictionary_locator", "include_mode", "dictionary_namespace_prefix", "dictionary_namespace_prefix_replace"]:
tD[atName] = row[tl.getIndex(atName)] if tl.hasAttribute(atName) else None
dictionaryIncludeDict[tD["dictionary_id"]] = tD
tl = container.getObj("pdbx_include_category")
if tl is not None:
for row in tl.getRowList():
tD = OrderedDict()
for atName in ["dictionary_id", "category_id", "include_as_category_id", "include_mode"]:
tD[atName] = row[tl.getIndex(atName)] if tl.hasAttribute(atName) else None
categoryIncludeDict.setdefault(tD["dictionary_id"], {}).setdefault(tD["category_id"], tD)
tl = container.getObj("pdbx_include_item")
if tl is not None:
for row in tl.getRowList():
tD = OrderedDict()
for atName in ["dictionary_id", "item_name", "include_as_item_name", "include_mode"]:
tD[atName] = row[tl.getIndex(atName)] if tl.hasAttribute(atName) else None
categoryId = CifName.categoryPart(tD["item_name"])
itemIncludeDict.setdefault(tD["dictionary_id"], {}).setdefault(categoryId, {}).setdefault(tD["item_name"], tD)
if cleanup:
for catName in ["pdbx_include_dictionary", "pdbx_include_category", "pdbx_include_item"]:
if container.exists(catName):
includeD[datablockName] = {
"dictionaryIncludeDict": dictionaryIncludeDict,
"categoryIncludeDict": categoryIncludeDict,
"itemIncludeDict": itemIncludeDict,
except Exception as e:
logger.exception("Include processing failing with %s", str(e))
return includeD
def __fetchIncludedContent(self, includeD, cleanup=False):
"""Fetch included content following the instructions encoded in the input data structure.
includeD (dict): {"dictionaryIncludeDict": {dictionary_id: {...include details...}},
"categoryIncludeDict": {dictionary_id: {category_id: {...include details... }}},
"itemIncludeDict": {dictionary_id: {category_id: {itemName: {...include details...}}}},
cleanup (optional, bool): flag to remove generator category objects after parsing (default: false)
(dict): {datablockName: {"extend": [container,...], "replace": [container, ...]}, ... }
includeDataD = {}
for datablockName, inclD in includeD.items():
cL = []
for dictName, iD in inclD["dictionaryIncludeDict"].items():
locator = iD["dictionary_locator"]
if locator in self.__locatorIndexD:
logger.info("Skipping redundant include for %r at %r", dictName, locator)
self.__locatorIndexD[locator] = dictName
# --- Fetch the dictionary component -
updateStack = self.__isLocal(locator)
if updateStack:
if not self.__dirStack:
# top-level include case
# embedded include case (push directory containing the locator)
if not os.path.isabs(locator):
# handle the relative path case -
locator = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.__dirStack[-1], locator))
logger.debug("modified local relative locator is %r", locator)
logger.debug("dirStack (%d) top %r", len(self.__dirStack), self.__dirStack[-1])
containerList = self.processIncludedContent(self.__fetchLocator(locator), cleanup=cleanup)
if updateStack:
# restore stack context
nsPrefix = iD["dictionary_namespace_prefix"]
nsPrefixReplace = iD["dictionary_namespace_prefix_replace"]
dictInclMode = iD["include_mode"]
dataIncludeMode = iD["data_include_mode"] if "data_include_mode" in iD else "extend"
catInclD = inclD["categoryIncludeDict"][dictName] if dictName in inclD["categoryIncludeDict"] else None
itemInclD = inclD["itemIncludeDict"][dictName] if dictName in inclD["itemIncludeDict"] else None
# Do data sections first.
for container in containerList:
if container.getType() == "data":
logger.debug("Including data container %r with %r", container.getName(), container.getObjNameList())
cL.append((container, dataIncludeMode))
if catInclD or itemInclD:
# Process only explicitly included categories/items in the dictionary component
if catInclD:
for container in containerList:
if container.getType() == "data":
cName = container.getName()
catName = cName if container.isCategory() else CifName.categoryPart(cName)
if catName in catInclD:
if container.isAttribute() and itemInclD and catName in itemInclD and cName in itemInclD[catName]:
inclMode = itemInclD[catName][cName]["include_mode"] if itemInclD[catName][cName]["include_mode"] else dictInclMode
cL.append((self.__renameItem(container, itemInclD[catName][cName]["include_as_item_name"]), inclMode))
inclMode = catInclD[catName]["include_mode"] if catInclD[catName]["include_mode"] else dictInclMode
cL.append((self.__renameCategory(container, catInclD[catName]["include_as_category_id"]), inclMode))
elif itemInclD:
# Process only explicitly included items exclusive of explicitly included categories in the dictionary component
for container in containerList:
if container.getType() == "data":
cName = container.getName()
catName = cName if container.isCategory() else CifName.categoryPart(cName)
if container.isAttribute() and catName in itemInclD and cName in itemInclD[catName]:
inclMode = itemInclD[catName][cName]["include_mode"] if itemInclD[catName][cName]["include_mode"] else dictInclMode
cL.append((self.__renameItem(container, itemInclD[catName][cName]["include_as_item_name"]), inclMode))
# Process the full content of the dictionary component
for container in containerList:
if container.getType() == "data":
cName = container.getName()
catName = cName if container.isCategory() else CifName.categoryPart(cName)
if container.isAttribute():
newName = self.__substituteItemPrefix(cName, nsPrefix, nsPrefixReplace)
cL.append((self.__renameItem(container, newName), dictInclMode))
newName = self.__substituteCategoryPrefix(catName, nsPrefix, nsPrefixReplace)
cL.append((self.__renameCategory(container, newName), dictInclMode))
for container, inclMode in cL:
if inclMode == "replace":
includeDataD.setdefault(datablockName, {}).setdefault("replace", []).append(container)
elif inclMode == "extend":
logger.debug("%r extending with %r", datablockName, container.getName())
includeDataD.setdefault(datablockName, {}).setdefault("extend", []).append(container)
for nm in includeDataD:
numReplace = len(includeDataD[nm]["replace"]) if "replace" in includeDataD[nm] else 0
numExtend = len(includeDataD[nm]["extend"]) if "extend" in includeDataD[nm] else 0
logger.debug("includeDataD %s replace (%d) extend (%d)", nm, numReplace, numExtend)
except Exception as e:
logger.exception("Failing with %s", str(e))
return includeDataD
def __isLocal(self, locator):
locSp = urlsplit(locator)
return locSp.scheme in ["", "file"]
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Bad include file path (%r) : %s", locator, str(e))
return False
def __fetchLocator(self, locator, **kwargs):
# Locate non-absolute paths relative to the dictionary incude file
if self.__isLocal(locator) and not os.path.isabs(locator):
logger.info("locator is %r", locator)
logger.info("dirStack (%d) top %r", len(self.__dirStack), self.__dirStack[-1])
locator = os.path.abspath(os.path.relpath(locator, start=self.__dirStack[-1]))
containerList = []
workPath = kwargs.get("workPath", None)
enforceAscii = kwargs.get("enforceAscii", False)
raiseExceptions = kwargs.get("raiseExceptions", True)
useCharRefs = kwargs.get("useCharRefs", True)
myIo = IoAdapterPy(raiseExceptions=raiseExceptions, useCharRefs=useCharRefs)
containerList = myIo.readFile(locator, enforceAscii=enforceAscii, outDirPath=workPath)
logger.info("Fetched %r dictionary container length (%d)", locator, len(containerList) if containerList else 0)
logger.debug("%r", [container.getName() for container in containerList])
except Exception as e:
logger.exception("Failing for %s with %s", locator, str(e))
return containerList
def __substituteCategoryPrefix(self, catName, curPrefix, newPrefix):
return catName.replace(curPrefix, newPrefix, 1) if catName and catName.startswith(curPrefix) else catName
def __substituteItemPrefix(self, itemName, curPrefix, newPrefix):
atName = CifName.attributePart(itemName)
atName = atName.replace(curPrefix, newPrefix, 1) if atName and atName.startswith(curPrefix) else atName
catName = CifName.categoryPart(itemName)
catName = catName.replace(curPrefix, newPrefix, 1) if atName and catName.startswith(curPrefix) else catName
return CifName.itemName(catName, atName)
def __renameItem(self, container, newItemName):
if not container and not container.isAttribute() or not newItemName:
return container
itemNameCur = container.getName()
if itemNameCur == newItemName:
return container
for item in self.__itemNameRelatives:
catName = CifName.categoryPart(item)
if container.exists(catName):
cObj = container.getObj(catName)
atName = CifName.attributePart(item)
if cObj.hasAttribute(atName):
for iRow in range(cObj.getRowCount()):
curVal = cObj.getValue(atName, iRow)
if curVal == itemNameCur:
cObj.setValue(newItemName, atName, iRow)
except Exception as e:
logger.exception("Failing with %s", str(e))
return container
def __renameCategory(self, container, newCategoryName):
if not container and not container.isCategory() or not newCategoryName:
return container
catNameCur = container.getName()
if catNameCur == newCategoryName:
return container
for item in self.__categoryIdRelatives:
catName = CifName.categoryPart(item)
if container.exists(catName):
cObj = container.getObj(catName)
atName = CifName.attributePart(item)
if cObj.hasAttribute(atName):
for iRow in range(cObj.getRowCount()):
testVal = cObj.getValue(atName, iRow)
if testVal == catNameCur:
cObj.setValue(newCategoryName, atName, iRow)
except Exception as e:
logger.exception("Failing with %s", str(e))
return container
processIncludedContent(self, containerList, cleanup=False)
Process any dictionary, category or item include instructions in any data containers in the input list of dictionary data and definition containers.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
containerList |
list |
list of input PdbxContainer data or definition container objects |
required |
cleanup |
bool |
flag to remove generator category objects after parsing (default: False) |
False |
Type | Description |
(list) |
list of data and definition containers incorporating included content |
pathDdlIncludeDictionary = "mmcif_ddl-generator.dic"
myIo = IoAdapter(raiseExceptions=True)
containerList = myIo.readFile(inputFilePath=pathDdlIncludeDictionary)
logger.info("Starting container list length (%d)", len(containerList))
dIncl = DictionaryInclude()
inclL = dIncl.processIncludedContent(containerList)
logger.info("Processed included container length (%d)", len(inclL))
Source code in mmcif/api/DictionaryInclude.py
def processIncludedContent(self, containerList, cleanup=False):
"""Process any dictionary, category or item include instructions in any data containers in the
input list of dictionary data and definition containers.
containerList (list): list of input PdbxContainer data or definition container objects
cleanup (bool, optional): flag to remove generator category objects after parsing (default: False)
(list): list of data and definition containers incorporating included content
pathDdlIncludeDictionary = "mmcif_ddl-generator.dic"
myIo = IoAdapter(raiseExceptions=True)
containerList = myIo.readFile(inputFilePath=pathDdlIncludeDictionary)
logger.info("Starting container list length (%d)", len(containerList))
dIncl = DictionaryInclude()
inclL = dIncl.processIncludedContent(containerList)
logger.info("Processed included container length (%d)", len(inclL))
includeD = self.__getIncludeInstructions(containerList, cleanup=cleanup)
includeContentD = self.__fetchIncludedContent(includeD, cleanup=cleanup)
return self.__addIncludedContent(containerList, includeContentD)