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Source code in mmcif/api/
class DictionaryInclude(object):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.__itemNameRelatives = [
        self.__categoryIdRelatives = [
        self.__cwd = os.getcwd()
        self.__dirPath = kwargs.get("dirPath", os.getcwd())"Local dictionary include path relative to %s", self.__dirPath)
        self.__dirStack = []
        self.__locatorIndexD = {}

    def processIncludedContent(self, containerList, cleanup=False):
        """Process any dictionary, category or item include instructions in any data containers in the
        input list of dictionary data and definition containers.

            containerList (list): list of input PdbxContainer data or definition container objects
            cleanup (bool, optional): flag to remove generator category objects after parsing (default: False)

            (list): list of data and definition containers incorporating included content

            pathDdlIncludeDictionary = "mmcif_ddl-generator.dic"
            myIo = IoAdapter(raiseExceptions=True)
            containerList = myIo.readFile(inputFilePath=pathDdlIncludeDictionary)
  "Starting container list length (%d)", len(containerList))
            dIncl = DictionaryInclude()
            inclL = dIncl.processIncludedContent(containerList)
  "Processed included container length (%d)", len(inclL))

        includeD = self.__getIncludeInstructions(containerList, cleanup=cleanup)
        includeContentD = self.__fetchIncludedContent(includeD, cleanup=cleanup)
        return self.__addIncludedContent(containerList, includeContentD)

    def __addIncludedContent(self, containerList, includeContentD):
        """Incorporate included content described in the input dictionary of include instructions produced by
        internal method __getIncludeInstructions().

            containerList (list): list of input PdbxContainer data or definition container objects
            includeContentD (dict): {"dictionaryIncludeDict": {dictionary_id: {...include details...}},
                                    "categoryIncludeDict": {dictionary_id: {category_id: {...include details... }}},
                                    "itemIncludeDict": {dictionary_id: {category_id: {itemName: {...include details...}}}}

            (list): list of data and definition containers incorporating included content
        # Index the current container list...
        cD = OrderedDict()
        datablockName = "unnamed_1"
        for container in containerList:
            if container.getType() == "data":
                datablockName = container.getName()
            # Handle potentially unconsolidated definitions --
            cD.setdefault(datablockName, OrderedDict()).setdefault(container.getName(), []).append(container)
        for datablockName in cD:
            if datablockName in includeContentD:
                if "replace" in includeContentD[datablockName]:
                    # Organize the replacements by name
                    replaceDefinitionD = OrderedDict()
                    replaceDataD = OrderedDict()
                    for container in includeContentD[datablockName]["replace"]:
                        if container.getType() == "definition":
                            replaceDefinitionD.setdefault(container.getName(), []).append(container)
                            replaceDataD.setdefault(datablockName, []).append(container)
                    for rN, rL in replaceDefinitionD.items():
                        if rN in cD[datablockName]:
                            cD[datablockName][rN] = rL
                    # replace data sections in the base container
                    baseContainer = cD[datablockName][datablockName][0]
                    for rN, containerL in replaceDataD.items():
                        for container in containerL:
                            for nm in container.getObjNameList():
                                obj = container.getObj(nm)
                if "extend" in includeContentD[datablockName]:
                    extendDataD = OrderedDict()
                    for container in includeContentD[datablockName]["extend"]:
                        if container.getType() == "definition":
                            cD.setdefault(datablockName, OrderedDict()).setdefault(container.getName(), []).append(container)
                            extendDataD.setdefault(datablockName, []).append(container)
                    # extend data sections in the base container
                    baseContainer = cD[datablockName][datablockName][0]
                    for rN, containerL in extendDataD.items():
                        for container in containerL:
                            for nm in container.getObjNameList():
                                obj = container.getObj(nm)
                                if baseContainer.exists(nm):
                                    baseObj = baseContainer.getObj(nm)
                                    for ii in range(obj.getRowCount()):
                                        rowD = obj.getRowAttributeDict(ii)
        # Unwind the container index
        fullL = []
        for datablockName in cD:
            for cL in cD[datablockName].values():
        return fullL

    def __getIncludeInstructions(self, containerList, cleanup=False):
        """Extract include instructions from categories pdbx_include_dictionary,  pdbx_include_category, and pdbx_include_item.

          containerList (list): list of input PdbxContainer data or definition container objects
          cleanup (optional, bool): flag to remove generator category objects after parsing (default: False)

          A dictionary containing the dictionary, category and and item level include details.
          For example,

            "dictionaryIncludeDict": {dictionary_id: {...include details...}},
            "categoryIncludeDict": {dictionary_id: {category_id: {...include details... }}},
            "itemIncludeDict": {dictionary_id: {category_id: {itemName: {...include details...}}}},

        includeD = OrderedDict()
            unNamed = 1
            for container in containerList:
                if container.getType() == "data":
                    dictionaryIncludeDict = OrderedDict()
                    categoryIncludeDict = OrderedDict()
                    itemIncludeDict = OrderedDict()
                    if container.getName():
                        datablockName = container.getName()
                        datablockName = str(unNamed)
                        unNamed += 1
                    logger.debug("Adding data sections from container name %s  type  %s", datablockName, container.getType())
                    tl = container.getObj("pdbx_include_dictionary")
                    if tl is not None:
                        for row in tl.getRowList():
                            tD = OrderedDict()
                            for atName in ["dictionary_id", "dictionary_locator", "include_mode", "dictionary_namespace_prefix", "dictionary_namespace_prefix_replace"]:
                                tD[atName] = row[tl.getIndex(atName)] if tl.hasAttribute(atName) else None
                            dictionaryIncludeDict[tD["dictionary_id"]] = tD
                        tl = container.getObj("pdbx_include_category")
                        if tl is not None:
                            for row in tl.getRowList():
                                tD = OrderedDict()
                                for atName in ["dictionary_id", "category_id", "include_as_category_id", "include_mode"]:
                                    tD[atName] = row[tl.getIndex(atName)] if tl.hasAttribute(atName) else None
                                categoryIncludeDict.setdefault(tD["dictionary_id"], {}).setdefault(tD["category_id"], tD)
                        tl = container.getObj("pdbx_include_item")
                        if tl is not None:
                            for row in tl.getRowList():
                                tD = OrderedDict()
                                for atName in ["dictionary_id", "item_name", "include_as_item_name", "include_mode"]:
                                    tD[atName] = row[tl.getIndex(atName)] if tl.hasAttribute(atName) else None
                                categoryId = CifName.categoryPart(tD["item_name"])
                                itemIncludeDict.setdefault(tD["dictionary_id"], {}).setdefault(categoryId, {}).setdefault(tD["item_name"], tD)
                    if cleanup:
                        for catName in ["pdbx_include_dictionary", "pdbx_include_category", "pdbx_include_item"]:
                            if container.exists(catName):
                    includeD[datablockName] = {
                        "dictionaryIncludeDict": dictionaryIncludeDict,
                        "categoryIncludeDict": categoryIncludeDict,
                        "itemIncludeDict": itemIncludeDict,
        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception("Include processing failing with %s", str(e))
        return includeD

    def __fetchIncludedContent(self, includeD, cleanup=False):
        """Fetch included content following the instructions encoded in the input data structure.

            includeD (dict):  {"dictionaryIncludeDict": {dictionary_id: {...include details...}},
                               "categoryIncludeDict": {dictionary_id: {category_id: {...include details... }}},
                               "itemIncludeDict": {dictionary_id: {category_id: {itemName: {...include details...}}}},
            cleanup (optional, bool): flag to remove generator category objects after parsing (default: false)

            (dict): {datablockName: {"extend": [container,...], "replace": [container, ...]}, ... }


        includeDataD = {}
            for datablockName, inclD in includeD.items():
                cL = []
                for dictName, iD in inclD["dictionaryIncludeDict"].items():
                    locator = iD["dictionary_locator"]
                    if locator in self.__locatorIndexD:
              "Skipping redundant include for %r at %r", dictName, locator)
                    self.__locatorIndexD[locator] = dictName
                    # --- Fetch the dictionary component -
                    updateStack = self.__isLocal(locator)
                    if updateStack:
                        if not self.__dirStack:
                            # top-level include case

                        # embedded include case (push directory containing the locator)
                        if not os.path.isabs(locator):
                            # handle the relative path case -
                            locator = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.__dirStack[-1], locator))
                            logger.debug("modified local relative locator is %r", locator)
                        logger.debug("dirStack (%d) top %r", len(self.__dirStack), self.__dirStack[-1])
                    containerList = self.processIncludedContent(self.__fetchLocator(locator), cleanup=cleanup)
                    if updateStack:
                        # restore stack context
                    nsPrefix = iD["dictionary_namespace_prefix"]
                    nsPrefixReplace = iD["dictionary_namespace_prefix_replace"]
                    dictInclMode = iD["include_mode"]
                    dataIncludeMode = iD["data_include_mode"] if "data_include_mode" in iD else "extend"
                    catInclD = inclD["categoryIncludeDict"][dictName] if dictName in inclD["categoryIncludeDict"] else None
                    itemInclD = inclD["itemIncludeDict"][dictName] if dictName in inclD["itemIncludeDict"] else None
                    #  Do data sections first.
                    for container in containerList:
                        if container.getType() == "data":
                            logger.debug("Including data container %r with %r", container.getName(), container.getObjNameList())
                            cL.append((container, dataIncludeMode))
                    if catInclD or itemInclD:
                        # Process only explicitly included categories/items in the dictionary component
                        if catInclD:
                            for container in containerList:
                                if container.getType() == "data":
                                cName = container.getName()
                                catName = cName if container.isCategory() else CifName.categoryPart(cName)
                                if catName in catInclD:
                                    if container.isAttribute() and itemInclD and catName in itemInclD and cName in itemInclD[catName]:
                                        inclMode = itemInclD[catName][cName]["include_mode"] if itemInclD[catName][cName]["include_mode"] else dictInclMode
                                        cL.append((self.__renameItem(container, itemInclD[catName][cName]["include_as_item_name"]), inclMode))
                                        inclMode = catInclD[catName]["include_mode"] if catInclD[catName]["include_mode"] else dictInclMode
                                        cL.append((self.__renameCategory(container, catInclD[catName]["include_as_category_id"]), inclMode))
                        elif itemInclD:
                            # Process only explicitly included items exclusive of explicitly included categories in the dictionary component
                            for container in containerList:
                                if container.getType() == "data":
                                cName = container.getName()
                                catName = cName if container.isCategory() else CifName.categoryPart(cName)
                                if container.isAttribute() and catName in itemInclD and cName in itemInclD[catName]:
                                    inclMode = itemInclD[catName][cName]["include_mode"] if itemInclD[catName][cName]["include_mode"] else dictInclMode
                                    cL.append((self.__renameItem(container, itemInclD[catName][cName]["include_as_item_name"]), inclMode))
                        # Process the full content of the dictionary component
                        for container in containerList:
                            if container.getType() == "data":
                            cName = container.getName()
                            catName = cName if container.isCategory() else CifName.categoryPart(cName)
                            if container.isAttribute():
                                newName = self.__substituteItemPrefix(cName, nsPrefix, nsPrefixReplace)
                                cL.append((self.__renameItem(container, newName), dictInclMode))
                                newName = self.__substituteCategoryPrefix(catName, nsPrefix, nsPrefixReplace)
                                cL.append((self.__renameCategory(container, newName), dictInclMode))
                for container, inclMode in cL:
                    if inclMode == "replace":
                        includeDataD.setdefault(datablockName, {}).setdefault("replace", []).append(container)
                    elif inclMode == "extend":
                        logger.debug("%r extending with %r", datablockName, container.getName())
                        includeDataD.setdefault(datablockName, {}).setdefault("extend", []).append(container)
            for nm in includeDataD:
                numReplace = len(includeDataD[nm]["replace"]) if "replace" in includeDataD[nm] else 0
                numExtend = len(includeDataD[nm]["extend"]) if "extend" in includeDataD[nm] else 0
                logger.debug("includeDataD %s replace (%d) extend (%d)", nm, numReplace, numExtend)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception("Failing with %s", str(e))

        return includeDataD

    def __isLocal(self, locator):
            locSp = urlsplit(locator)
            return locSp.scheme in ["", "file"]
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("Bad include file path (%r) : %s", locator, str(e))
        return False

    def __fetchLocator(self, locator, **kwargs):
            # Locate non-absolute paths relative to the dictionary incude file
            if self.__isLocal(locator) and not os.path.isabs(locator):
      "locator is %r", locator)
      "dirStack (%d) top %r", len(self.__dirStack), self.__dirStack[-1])
                locator = os.path.abspath(os.path.relpath(locator, start=self.__dirStack[-1]))
            containerList = []
            workPath = kwargs.get("workPath", None)
            enforceAscii = kwargs.get("enforceAscii", False)
            raiseExceptions = kwargs.get("raiseExceptions", True)
            useCharRefs = kwargs.get("useCharRefs", True)
            myIo = IoAdapterPy(raiseExceptions=raiseExceptions, useCharRefs=useCharRefs)
            containerList = myIo.readFile(locator, enforceAscii=enforceAscii, outDirPath=workPath)
  "Fetched %r dictionary container length (%d)", locator, len(containerList) if containerList else 0)
            logger.debug("%r", [container.getName() for container in containerList])
        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception("Failing for %s with %s", locator, str(e))
        return containerList

    def __substituteCategoryPrefix(self, catName, curPrefix, newPrefix):
        return catName.replace(curPrefix, newPrefix, 1) if catName and catName.startswith(curPrefix) else catName

    def __substituteItemPrefix(self, itemName, curPrefix, newPrefix):
        atName = CifName.attributePart(itemName)
        atName = atName.replace(curPrefix, newPrefix, 1) if atName and atName.startswith(curPrefix) else atName
        catName = CifName.categoryPart(itemName)
        catName = catName.replace(curPrefix, newPrefix, 1) if atName and catName.startswith(curPrefix) else catName
        return CifName.itemName(catName, atName)

    def __renameItem(self, container, newItemName):
        if not container and not container.isAttribute() or not newItemName:
            return container
        itemNameCur = container.getName()
        if itemNameCur == newItemName:
            return container
            for item in self.__itemNameRelatives:
                catName = CifName.categoryPart(item)
                if container.exists(catName):
                    cObj = container.getObj(catName)
                    atName = CifName.attributePart(item)
                    if cObj.hasAttribute(atName):
                        for iRow in range(cObj.getRowCount()):
                            curVal = cObj.getValue(atName, iRow)
                            if curVal == itemNameCur:
                                cObj.setValue(newItemName, atName, iRow)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception("Failing with %s", str(e))
        return container

    def __renameCategory(self, container, newCategoryName):
        if not container and not container.isCategory() or not newCategoryName:
            return container
        catNameCur = container.getName()
        if catNameCur == newCategoryName:
            return container
            for item in self.__categoryIdRelatives:
                catName = CifName.categoryPart(item)
                if container.exists(catName):
                    cObj = container.getObj(catName)
                    atName = CifName.attributePart(item)
                    if cObj.hasAttribute(atName):
                        for iRow in range(cObj.getRowCount()):
                            testVal = cObj.getValue(atName, iRow)
                            if testVal == catNameCur:
                                cObj.setValue(newCategoryName, atName, iRow)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception("Failing with %s", str(e))
        return container

processIncludedContent(self, containerList, cleanup=False)

Process any dictionary, category or item include instructions in any data containers in the input list of dictionary data and definition containers.


Name Type Description Default
containerList list

list of input PdbxContainer data or definition container objects

cleanup bool

flag to remove generator category objects after parsing (default: False)



Type Description

list of data and definition containers incorporating included content


pathDdlIncludeDictionary = "mmcif_ddl-generator.dic"
myIo = IoAdapter(raiseExceptions=True)
containerList = myIo.readFile(inputFilePath=pathDdlIncludeDictionary)"Starting container list length (%d)", len(containerList))
dIncl = DictionaryInclude()
inclL = dIncl.processIncludedContent(containerList)"Processed included container length (%d)", len(inclL))
Source code in mmcif/api/
def processIncludedContent(self, containerList, cleanup=False):
    """Process any dictionary, category or item include instructions in any data containers in the
    input list of dictionary data and definition containers.

        containerList (list): list of input PdbxContainer data or definition container objects
        cleanup (bool, optional): flag to remove generator category objects after parsing (default: False)

        (list): list of data and definition containers incorporating included content

        pathDdlIncludeDictionary = "mmcif_ddl-generator.dic"
        myIo = IoAdapter(raiseExceptions=True)
        containerList = myIo.readFile(inputFilePath=pathDdlIncludeDictionary)"Starting container list length (%d)", len(containerList))
        dIncl = DictionaryInclude()
        inclL = dIncl.processIncludedContent(containerList)"Processed included container length (%d)", len(inclL))

    includeD = self.__getIncludeInstructions(containerList, cleanup=cleanup)
    includeContentD = self.__fetchIncludedContent(includeD, cleanup=cleanup)
    return self.__addIncludedContent(containerList, includeContentD)