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Source code in mmcif/api/
class DictionaryApi(object):
    def __init__(self, containerList, consolidate=True, expandItemLinked=False, replaceDefinition=False, **kwargs):
        """Return an instance of the mmCIF dictionary API.

            containerList (list): list of definition or data containers holding dictionary content
            consolidate (bool, optional): consolidate dictionary attributes within a single definition. Defaults to True.
            expandItemLinked (bool, optional): distribute item and item linked attributes defined for the parent
                                               to child definitions. Defaults to False.
            replaceDefinition (bool, optional): when consolidating definitions in the case of multiple occurences of the same definition,
                                                attributes from the latter occurences replace prior definitions content. Defaults to False.
        _ = kwargs
        self.__containerList = containerList
        self.__replaceDefinition = replaceDefinition
        if consolidate:
        if expandItemLinked:

        self.__fullIndex = OrderedDict()

        # ---
        # Map category name to the unique list of attributes
        self.__catNameIndex = OrderedDict()
        # Map category name to the unique list of item names
        self.__catNameItemIndex = OrderedDict()
        # Full unique list of item names -
        self.__itemNameList = []
        # Map dictionary objects names to definition containers -
        self.__definitionIndex = OrderedDict()
        # data section/objects of the dictionary by category name -
        self.__dataIndex = OrderedDict()
        # Map of types id->(regex,primitive_type)
        self.__typesDict = OrderedDict()
        self.__enumD = {
            "ENUMERATION_VALUE": ("item_enumeration", "value"),
            "ENUMERATION_DETAIL": ("item_enumeration", "detail"),
            "ENUMERATION_TYPE_UNITS": ("item_enumeration", "rcsb_type_units_code"),
            "ENUMERATION_DETAIL_BRIEF": ("item_enumeration", "rcsb_detail_brief"),
            "ENUMERATION_TUPLE": ("item_enumeration", None),
            "ITEM_LINKED_PARENT": ("item_linked", "parent_name"),
            "ITEM_LINKED_CHILD": ("item_linked", "child_name"),
            "DATA_TYPE_CODE": ("item_type", "code"),
            "DATA_TYPE_REGEX": ("item_type_list", "construct"),
            "DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVE": ("item_type_list", "primitive_code"),
            "ITEM_NAME": ("item", "name"),
            "ITEM_CATEGORY_ID": ("item", "category_id"),
            "ITEM_MANDATORY_CODE": ("item", "mandatory_code"),
            "ITEM_DESCRIPTION": ("item_description", "description"),
            "ITEM_UNITS": ("item_units", "code"),
            "ITEM_DEFAULT_VALUE": ("item_default", "value"),
            "ITEM_EXAMPLE_CASE": ("item_examples", "case"),
            "ITEM_EXAMPLE_DETAIL": ("item_examples", "detail"),
            "ITEM_RANGE_MAXIMUM": ("item_range", "maximum"),
            "ITEM_RANGE_MINIMUM": ("item_range", "minimum"),
            "CATEGORY_KEY_ITEMS": ("category_key", "name"),
            "CATEGORY_EXAMPLE_CASE": ("category_examples", "case"),
            "CATEGORY_EXAMPLE_DETAIL": ("category_examples", "detail"),
            "CATEGORY_MANDATORY_CODE": ("category", "mandatory_code"),
            "CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION": ("category", "description"),
            "CATEGORY_NX_MAPPING_DETAILS": ("category", "NX_mapping_details"),
            "DATA_TYPE_CODE_NDB": ("ndb_item_type", "code"),
            "ITEM_DESCRIPTION_NDB": ("ndb_item_description", "description"),
            "ENUMERATION_VALUE_NDB": ("ndb_item_enumeration", "value"),
            "ENUMERATION_DETAIL_NDB": ("ndb_item_enumeration", "detail"),
            "ITEM_MANDATORY_CODE_NDB": ("ndb_item", "mandatory_code"),
            "ITEM_EXAMPLE_CASE_NDB": ("ndb_item_examples", "case"),
            "ITEM_EXAMPLE_DETAIL_NDB": ("ndb_item_examples", "detail"),
            "ITEM_RANGE_MAXIMUM_NDB": ("ndb_item_range", "maximum"),
            "ITEM_RANGE_MINIMUM_NDB": ("ndb_item_range", "minimum"),
            "CATEGORY_EXAMPLE_CASE_NDB": ("ndb_category_examples", "case"),
            "CATEGORY_EXAMPLE_DETAIL_NDB": ("ndb_category_examples", "detail"),
            "CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION_NDB": ("ndb_category_description", "description"),
            "DATA_TYPE_CODE_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_type", "code"),
            "ITEM_DESCRIPTION_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_description", "description"),
            "ENUMERATION_VALUE_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_enumeration", "value"),
            "ENUMERATION_DETAIL_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_enumeration", "detail"),
            "ENUMERATION_TYPE_UNITS_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_enumeration", "type_units_code"),
            "ENUMERATION_DETAIL_BRIEF_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_enumeration", "detail_brief"),
            "ITEM_MANDATORY_CODE_PDBX": ("pdbx_item", "mandatory_code"),
            "ITEM_EXAMPLE_CASE_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_examples", "case"),
            "ITEM_EXAMPLE_DETAIL_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_examples", "detail"),
            "ITEM_RANGE_MAXIMUM_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_range", "maximum"),
            "ITEM_RANGE_MINIMUM_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_range", "minimum"),
            "CATEGORY_EXAMPLE_CASE_PDBX": ("pdbx_category_examples", "case"),
            "CATEGORY_EXAMPLE_DETAIL_PDBX": ("pdbx_category_examples", "detail"),
            "CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION_PDBX": ("pdbx_category_description", "description"),
            "CATEGORY_CONTEXT": ("pdbx_category_context", "type"),
            "CATEGORY_GROUP": ("category_group", "id"),
            "ITEM_CONTEXT": ("pdbx_item_context", "type"),
            "ENUMERATION_CLOSED_FLAG": ("pdbx_item_enumeration_details", "closed_flag"),
            "ITEM_RELATED_FUNCTION_CODE": ("item_related", "function_code"),
            "ITEM_RELATED_RELATED_NAME": ("item_related", "related_name"),
            "ITEM_ALIAS_ALIAS_NAME": ("item_aliases", "alias_name"),
            "ITEM_ALIAS_DICTIONARY": ("item_aliases", "dictionary"),
            "ITEM_ALIAS_VERSION": ("item_aliases", "version"),
            "ITEM_DEPENDENT_DEPENDENT_NAME": ("item_dependent", "dependent_name"),
            "ITEM_SUB_CATEGORY_ID": ("item_sub_category", "id"),
            "ITEM_SUB_CATEGORY_LABEL": ("item_sub_category", "pdbx_label"),
            "ITEM_TYPE_CONDITIONS_CODE": ("item_type_conditions", "code"),
            "ITEM_VALUE_CONDITION_DEPENDENT_NAME": ("pdbx_item_value_condition", "dependent_item_name"),
            "ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_ID": ("pdbx_item_linked", "id"),
            "ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_ID": ("pdbx_item_linked", "condition_id"),
            "ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_PARENT_NAME": ("pdbx_item_linked", "parent_name"),
            "ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CHILD_NAME": ("pdbx_item_linked", "child_name"),
            "ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_CHILD_NAME": ("pdbx_item_linked", "condition_child_name"),
            "ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_CHILD_VALUE": ("pdbx_item_linked", "condition_child_value"),
            "ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_CHILD_TARGET_NAME": ("pdbx_item_linked", "condition_child_target_name"),
            "ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_CHILD_CMP_OP": ("pdbx_item_linked", "condition_child_cmp_op"),
            "ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_LOG_OP": ("pdbx_item_linked", "condition_log_op"),
        self.__methodDict = OrderedDict()
        self.__methodIndex = OrderedDict()
        self.__fullParentD, self.__fullChildD = self.__makeFullParentChildDictionaries()
        self.__dataBlockDictList = []
        self.__dictionaryDictList = []
        self.__subCategoryDict = OrderedDict()
        self.__categoryGroupDict = OrderedDict()
        self.__groupIndex = False
        self.__groupChildIndex = OrderedDict()
        # Data sections -
        self.__dictionaryHistoryList = []
        self.__itemUnitsDict = OrderedDict()
        self.__itemUnitsConversionList = []
        self.__itemLinkedGroupDict = OrderedDict()
        self.__itemLinkedGroupItemDict = OrderedDict()
        self.__dictionaryIncludeDict = OrderedDict()
        self.__categoryIncludeDict = OrderedDict()
        self.__itemIncludeDict = OrderedDict()
        self.__dictionaryComponentList = []
        self.__dictionaryComponentHistoryDict = OrderedDict()
        self.__itemValueConditionDict = OrderedDict()
        self.__compOpDict = OrderedDict()

    def testCache(self):
        return len(self.__containerList) > 0

    #  Methods for data sections --

    def getItemValueConditionDict(self):
            return self.__itemValueConditionDict if self.__itemValueConditionDict else {}
        except Exception:
            return {}

    def getComparisonOperators(self):
            return list(self.__compOpDict.keys()) if self.__compOpDict else []
        except Exception:
            return []

    def getComparisonOperatorDict(self):
            return self.__compOpDict if self.__compOpDict else {}
        except Exception:
            return {}

    def getDictionaryVersion(self):
            return ",".join([str(tD["version"]) for tD in self.__dictionaryDictList])
        except Exception:
            return None

    def getDictionaryTitle(self):
            return ",".join([str(tD["title"]) for tD in self.__dictionaryDictList])
        except Exception:
            return None

    def getDictionaryUpdate(self, order="reverse"):
        """Get details from the first/last history element."""
            if order == "reverse":
                tD = self.__dictionaryHistoryList[-1]
                tD = self.__dictionaryHistoryList[0]

            return tD["update"]

        except Exception:
            return None

    def getDictionaryRevisionCount(self):
        """Get the count of revision history records."""
            return len(self.__dictionaryHistoryList)
        except Exception:
            return 0

    def getDictionaryHistory(self, order="reverse"):
        """Returns the revision history as a list of tuples [(version,update,revisionText,dictionary),...]"""
        oL = []
            if order == "reverse":
                for tD in reversed(self.__dictionaryHistoryList):
                    oL.append((tD["version"], tD["update"], tD["revision"], tD["dictionary"]))
                for tD in self.__dictionaryHistoryList:
                    oL.append((tD["version"], tD["update"], tD["revision"], tD["dictionary"]))
        except Exception:
        return oL

    def getDictionaryComponentDetails(self):
        """Returns the component dictionary list as tuples [(version,title,dictionary_component_id),...]"""
        oL = []
            for tD in self.__dictionaryComponentList:
                oL.append((tD["version"], tD["title"], tD["dictionary_component_id"]))
        except Exception:
        return oL

    def getDictionaryComponentCount(self):
        """Get the count of dictionary components."""
            return len(self.__dictionaryComponentList)
        except Exception:
            return 0

    def getDictionaryComponents(self):
        """Get the list of dictionary components."""
            return list(self.__dictionaryComponentHistoryDict.keys())
        except Exception:
            return []

    def getDictionaryComponentHistory(self, dictionaryComponentId, order="reverse"):
        """Returns the revision history as a list of tuples [(version,update,revisionText,dictionary),...]"""
        oL = []
            if order == "reverse":
                for tD in reversed(self.__dictionaryComponentHistoryDict[dictionaryComponentId]):
                    oL.append((tD["version"], tD["update"], tD["revision"], tD["dictionary_component_id"]))
                for tD in self.__dictionaryComponentHistoryDict[dictionaryComponentId]:
                    oL.append((tD["version"], tD["update"], tD["revision"], tD["dictionary_component_id"]))
        except Exception:
        return oL

    def __makeCategoryGroupIndex(self):
        catNameList = self.getCategoryList()
        # add categories in group to self.__categoryGroupDict[<groupName>]['categories']
        for catName in catNameList:
            groupNameList = self.getCategoryGroupList(catName)
            #"Category %s group list %r\n" % (catName,groupNameList))
            for groupName in groupNameList:
                if groupName not in self.__categoryGroupDict:
                    #  handle undefined category group ?
                    tD = OrderedDict()
                    tD["description"] = None
                    tD["parent_id"] = None
                    tD["categories"] = []
                    self.__categoryGroupDict[groupName] = tD
        for groupName in self.__categoryGroupDict:
            #"Group %s count %r\n" % (groupName, len(self.__categoryGroupDict[groupName]['categories'])))
            if "categories" in self.__categoryGroupDict[groupName]:
        self.__groupChildIndex = OrderedDict()
        for groupName, gD in self.__categoryGroupDict.items():
            if "parent" in gD:
                self.__groupChildIndex.setdefault(gD["parent"], []).append(groupName)
        self.__groupIndex = True

    def getCategoryGroupDescription(self, groupName):
            return self.__categoryGroupDict[groupName]["description"]
        except Exception:
            return None

    def getCategoryGroupParent(self, groupName):
            return self.__categoryGroupDict[groupName]["parent_id"]
        except Exception:
            return None

    def getCategoryGroupChildGroups(self, parentGroupName):
            return self.__groupChildIndex[parentGroupName]
        except Exception:
            return []

    def getCategoryGroupCategories(self, groupName, followChildren=False):
            if not self.__groupIndex:
            if followChildren:
                cL = []
                grpL = [groupName]
                for grp in grpL:
                    cL.extend(self.__categoryGroupDict[grp]["categories"] if grp in self.__categoryGroupDict else [])
                return sorted(set(cL))
                return self.__categoryGroupDict[groupName]["categories"] if groupName in self.__categoryGroupDict else []
        except Exception:
            logger.exception("DictionaryApi.getCategoryGroupCategories failed for group %s", groupName)
        return []

    def getCategoryGroups(self):
            kL = self.__categoryGroupDict.keys()
            return kL
        except Exception:
            return []

    def getParentCategories(self, categoryName):
        itemNameList = self.getItemNameList(categoryName)
        parentCategories = set()
        for itemName in itemNameList:
            categoryName = CifName.categoryPart(itemName)
            attributeName = CifName.attributePart(itemName)
            parentItemList = self.getFullParentList(categoryName, attributeName)
            for parentItem in parentItemList:
                parentCategoryName = CifName.categoryPart(parentItem)
        return list(parentCategories)

    def getChildCategories(self, categoryName):
        itemNameList = self.getItemNameList(categoryName)
        childCategories = set()
        for itemName in itemNameList:
            categoryName = CifName.categoryPart(itemName)
            attributeName = CifName.attributePart(itemName)
            childItemList = self.getFullChildList(categoryName, attributeName)
            for childItem in childItemList:
                childCategoryName = CifName.categoryPart(childItem)
        return list(childCategories)

    def definitionExists(self, definitionName):
        if definitionName in self.__definitionIndex:
            return True
        return False

    def getTypeConditionsCode(self, category, attribute):
        return self.__get("ITEM_TYPE_CONDITIONS_CODE", category, attribute)

    def getItemDependentNameList(self, category, attribute):
        return self.__getList("ITEM_DEPENDENT_DEPENDENT_NAME", category, attribute)

    def getItemValueConditionDependentList(self, category, attribute):
        return self.__getList("ITEM_VALUE_CONDITION_DEPENDENT_NAME", category, attribute)

    def getItemSubCategoryIdList(self, category, attribute):
        return self.__getList("ITEM_SUB_CATEGORY_ID", category, attribute)

    def getItemSubCategoryLabelList(self, category, attribute):
        return self.__getList("ITEM_SUB_CATEGORY_LABEL", category, attribute)

    def getItemSubCategoryList(self, category, attribute):
        aL = []

        itemName = CifName.itemName(category, attribute)

        obL = self.__definitionIndex[itemName] if itemName in self.__definitionIndex else None
        for ob in obL:
            tObj = ob.getObj(self.__enumD["ITEM_SUB_CATEGORY_ID"][0])
            if tObj is not None:
                atId = self.__enumD["ITEM_SUB_CATEGORY_ID"][1]
                atLabel = self.__enumD["ITEM_SUB_CATEGORY_LABEL"][1]
                for row in tObj.getRowList():
                    #"subcategories for %s row is %r" % (itemName, row))
                    idVal = row[tObj.getIndex(atId)] if tObj.hasAttribute(atId) else None
                    labVal = row[tObj.getIndex(atLabel)] if tObj.hasAttribute(atLabel) else None
                    aL.append((idVal, labVal))
        return aL

    def getItemAliasList(self, category, attribute):
        aNL = self.__getListAll("ITEM_ALIAS_ALIAS_NAME", category, attribute)
        aDL = self.__getListAll("ITEM_ALIAS_DICTIONARY", category, attribute)
        aVL = self.__getListAll("ITEM_ALIAS_VERSION", category, attribute)
        aL = []
        for aN, aD, aV in zip(aNL, aDL, aVL):
            aL.append((aN, aD, aV))
        return aL

    def getEnumListWithDetail(self, category, attribute):
        eVL = self.__getListAll("ENUMERATION_VALUE", category, attribute)
        eDL = self.__getListAll("ENUMERATION_DETAIL", category, attribute)
        rL = []
        dD = {}
        if len(eVL) == len(eDL):
            for eV, eD in zip(eVL, eDL):
                if not eD or eD in [".", "?"]:
                    dD[eV] = (eV, None)
                    dD[eV] = (eV, eD)
            for eV in eVL:
                dD[eV] = (eV, None)
        for ky in sorted(dD.keys()):
        return rL

    def getEnumListAltWithFullDetails(self, category, attribute):
        rL = []
        dD = {}
            eVL = self.__getListAll("ENUMERATION_VALUE_PDBX", category, attribute)
            eDL = self.__getListAll("ENUMERATION_DETAIL_PDBX", category, attribute)
            eBL = self.__getListAll("ENUMERATION_DETAIL_BRIEF_PDBX", category, attribute)
            eUL = self.__getListAll("ENUMERATION_TYPE_UNITS_PDBX", category, attribute)
            rL = []
            dD = {}
            for eV, eD, eB, eU in zip_longest(eVL, eDL, eBL, eUL):
                oL = [v if v and v not in [".", "?"] else None for v in [eV, eD, eB, eU]]
                dD[eV] = tuple(oL)
            for ky in sorted(dD.keys()):
            if rL:
                return rL
            eVL = self.__getListAll("ENUMERATION_VALUE", category, attribute)
            eDL = self.__getListAll("ENUMERATION_DETAIL", category, attribute)
            eBL = self.__getListAll("ENUMERATION_DETAIL_BRIEF", category, attribute)
            eUL = self.__getListAll("ENUMERATION_TYPE_UNITS", category, attribute)
            rL = []
            dD = {}
            for eV, eD, eB, eU in zip_longest(eVL, eDL, eBL, eUL):
                oL = [v if v and v not in [".", "?"] else None for v in [eV, eD, eB, eU]]
                dD[eV] = tuple(oL)
            for ky in sorted(dD.keys()):
        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception("Failing dD %r rL %r with %s", dD, rL, str(e))
        return rL

    def getEnumListWithFullDetails(self, category, attribute):
        rL = []
        dD = {}
            eVL = self.__getListAll("ENUMERATION_VALUE", category, attribute)
            eDL = self.__getListAll("ENUMERATION_DETAIL", category, attribute)
            eBL = self.__getListAll("ENUMERATION_DETAIL_BRIEF", category, attribute)
            eUL = self.__getListAll("ENUMERATION_TYPE_UNITS", category, attribute)
            for eV, eD, eB, eU in zip_longest(eVL, eDL, eBL, eUL):
                oL = [v if v and v not in [".", "?"] else None for v in [eV, eD, eB, eU]]
                dD[eV] = tuple(oL)
            for ky in sorted(dD.keys()):
        except Exception as e:
  "eVL %r", eVL)
  "eDL %r", eDL)
  "eBL %r", eBL)
  "eUL %r", eUL)
            logger.exception("Failing category %s attribute %s dD %r rL %r with %s", category, attribute, dD, rL, str(e))
        return rL

    def getEnumListAltWithDetail(self, category, attribute):
        eVL = self.__getListAll("ENUMERATION_VALUE_PDBX", category, attribute)
        eDL = self.__getListAll("ENUMERATION_DETAIL_PDBX", category, attribute)

        rL = []
        dD = {}
        if len(eVL) == len(eDL):
            for eV, eD in zip(eVL, eDL):
                if not eD or eD in [".", "?"]:
                    dD[eV] = (eV, None)
                    dD[eV] = (eV, eD)
            for eV in eVL:
                dD[eV] = (eV, None)
        for ky in sorted(dD.keys()):
        if not rL:
            return self.getEnumListWithDetail(category, attribute)
            return rL

    def getItemRelatedList(self, category, attribute):
        rNL = self.__getListAll("ITEM_RELATED_RELATED_NAME", category, attribute)
        rFL = self.__getListAll("ITEM_RELATED_FUNCTION_CODE", category, attribute)
        rL = []
        for rN, rF in zip(rNL, rFL):
            rL.append((rN, rF))
        return rL

    def getTypeCode(self, category, attribute):
        return self.__get("DATA_TYPE_CODE", category, attribute, followAncestors=True)

    def getTypeCodeAlt(self, category, attribute, fallBack=True):
        v = self.getTypeCodePdbx(category, attribute)
        if v is None:
            v = self.getTypeCodeNdb(category, attribute)
        if fallBack and v is None:
            v = self.getTypeCode(category, attribute)
        return v

    def getTypeCodeNdb(self, category, attribute):
        return self.__get("DATA_TYPE_CODE_NDB", category, attribute, followAncestors=False)

    def getTypeCodePdbx(self, category, attribute):
        return self.__get("DATA_TYPE_CODE_PDBX", category, attribute, followAncestors=False)

    def getDefaultValue(self, category, attribute):
        return self.__get("ITEM_DEFAULT_VALUE", category, attribute)

    def getMandatoryCode(self, category, attribute):
        return self.__get("ITEM_MANDATORY_CODE", category, attribute)

    def getMandatoryCodeAlt(self, category, attribute, fallBack=True):
        v = self.getMandatoryCodePdbx(category, attribute)
        if v is None:
            v = self.getMandatoryCodeNdb(category, attribute)
        if fallBack and v is None:
            v = self.getMandatoryCode(category, attribute)
        return v

    def getMandatoryCodeNdb(self, category, attribute):
        return self.__get("ITEM_MANDATORY_CODE_NDB", category, attribute)

    def getMandatoryCodePdbx(self, category, attribute):
        return self.__get("ITEM_MANDATORY_CODE_PDBX", category, attribute)

    def getTypeRegex(self, category, attribute):
        code = self.getTypeCode(category, attribute)
        if code in self.__typesDict:
            return self.__typesDict[code][1]
        return None

    def getTypeRegexAlt(self, category, attribute, fallBack=True):
        v = self.getTypeRegexPdbx(category, attribute)
        if v is None:
            v = self.getTypeRegexNdb(category, attribute)
        if fallBack and v is None:
            v = self.getTypeRegex(category, attribute)
        return v

    def getTypeRegexNdb(self, category, attribute):
        code = self.getTypeCodeNdb(category, attribute)
        if code in self.__typesDict:
            return self.__typesDict[code][1]
        return None

    def getTypeRegexPdbx(self, category, attribute):
        code = self.getTypeCodePdbx(category, attribute)
        if code in self.__typesDict:
            return self.__typesDict[code][1]
        return None

    def getTypePrimitive(self, category, attribute):
        code = self.getTypeCode(category, attribute)
        if code in self.__typesDict:
            return self.__typesDict[code][0]
        return None

    def getTypeDetail(self, category, attribute):
        code = self.getTypeCode(category, attribute)
        if code in self.__typesDict:
            return self.__typesDict[code][2]
        return None

    def getContextList(self, category, attribute):
        return self.__getList("ITEM_CONTEXT", category, attribute)

    def getCategoryContextList(self, category):
        return self.__getList("CATEGORY_CONTEXT", category, attribute=None)

    def getEnumList(self, category, attribute, sortFlag=True):
        if sortFlag:
            return self.__getList("ENUMERATION_VALUE", category, attribute)
            return self.__getListAll("ENUMERATION_VALUE", category, attribute)

    def getEnumListAlt(self, category, attribute, fallBack=True, sortFlag=True):
        vL = self.getEnumListPdbx(category, attribute, sortFlag=sortFlag)
        if not vL:
            vL = self.getEnumListNdb(category, attribute, sortFlag=sortFlag)
        if fallBack and not vL:
            vL = self.getEnumList(category, attribute, sortFlag=sortFlag)
        return vL

    def getEnumListNdb(self, category, attribute, sortFlag=True):
        if sortFlag:
            return self.__getList("ENUMERATION_VALUE_NDB", category, attribute)
            return self.__getListAll("ENUMERATION_VALUE_NDB", category, attribute)

    def getEnumListPdbx(self, category, attribute, sortFlag=True):
        if sortFlag:
            return self.__getList("ENUMERATION_VALUE_PDBX", category, attribute)
            return self.__getListAll("ENUMERATION_VALUE_PDBX", category, attribute)

    def isEnumerated(self, category, attribute):
        return len(self.__getList("ENUMERATION_VALUE", category, attribute)) > 0

    def isEnumeratedAlt(self, category, attribute, fallBack=True):
        eC = len(self.__getList("ENUMERATION_VALUE_PDBX", category, attribute))
        if eC == 0:
            eC = len(self.__getList("ENUMERATION_VALUE_NDB", category, attribute))
        if fallBack and (eC == 0):
            eC = len(self.__getList("ENUMERATION_VALUE", category, attribute))
        return eC > 0

    def getEnumerationClosedFlag(self, category, attribute):
        return self.__get("ENUMERATION_CLOSED_FLAG", category, attribute)

    def getUltimateParent(self, category, attribute):
        """Return the first ultimate parent item for the input item."""
        #        pL=self.__getList('ITEM_LINKED_PARENT',category,attribute)
        pL = self.getFullParentList(category, attribute)
        itemName = CifName.itemName(category, attribute)
        while pL and (pL[0] != itemName):
            attN = CifName.attributePart(pL[0])
            catN = CifName.categoryPart(pL[0])
            itemName = pL[0]
            pL = self.getFullParentList(catN, attN)
            # pL=self.__getList('ITEM_LINKED_PARENT',catN,attN)
        return itemName

    def getParentList(self, category, attribute, stripSelfParent=False):
        if stripSelfParent:
            itemName = CifName.itemName(category, attribute)
            pL = self.__getList("ITEM_LINKED_PARENT", category, attribute)
            if pL:
                except Exception:
            return pL
            return self.__getList("ITEM_LINKED_PARENT", category, attribute)

    def getChildList(self, category, attribute):
        return self.__getList("ITEM_LINKED_CHILD", category, attribute)

    def getFullChildList(self, category, attribute):
            itemName = CifName.itemName(category, attribute)
            return self.__fullChildD[itemName]
        except Exception:
            return []

    def getFullDescendentList(self, category, attribute):
        itemNameL = []
            itemName = CifName.itemName(category, attribute)
            itemNameL = self.__fullChildD[itemName] if itemName in self.__fullChildD else []
            itemNameL = list(set(itemNameL))
            if itemNameL:
                begLen = 0
                endLen = 1
                while endLen > begLen:
                    begLen = len(itemNameL)
                    for itemName in itemNameL:
                        if itemName in self.__fullChildD:
                    itemNameL = list(set(itemNameL))
                    endLen = len(itemNameL)

        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception("Failing for %s %s with %s", category, attribute, str(e))
        return itemNameL

    def getFullParentList(self, category, attribute, stripSelfParent=False):
            itemName = CifName.itemName(category, attribute)
            pL = self.__fullParentD[itemName]
            if stripSelfParent:
                if pL:
                    except Exception:
                return pL
                return pL
        except Exception:
            return []

    def getUnits(self, category, attribute):
        return self.__get("ITEM_UNITS", category, attribute)

    def getImplicitList(self):
        iL = []
        for name, dL in self.__definitionIndex.items():
            for dD in dL:
                dType = dD.getType()
                if dType == "definition" and dD.isAttribute():
                    catN = CifName.categoryPart(name)
                    attN = CifName.attributePart(name)
                    if self.__get("ITEM_MANDATORY_CODE", catN, attN) == "implicit":
                        if name not in iL:
        return iL

    def getDescription(self, category, attribute):
        return self.__get("ITEM_DESCRIPTION", category, attribute)

    def getDescriptionAlt(self, category, attribute, fallBack=True):
        v = self.getDescriptionPdbx(category, attribute)
        if v is None:
            v = self.getDescriptionNdb(category, attribute)
        if fallBack and v is None:
            v = self.getDescription(category, attribute)
        return v

    def getDescriptionNdb(self, category, attribute):
        return self.__get("ITEM_DESCRIPTION_NDB", category, attribute)

    def getDescriptionPdbx(self, category, attribute):
        return self.__get("ITEM_DESCRIPTION_PDBX", category, attribute)

    def getExampleList(self, category, attribute):
        exCL = self.__getListAll("ITEM_EXAMPLE_CASE", category, attribute)
        exDL = self.__getListAll("ITEM_EXAMPLE_DETAIL", category, attribute)
        exL = []
        if len(exCL) == len(exDL):
            for exC, exD in zip(exCL, exDL):
                exL.append((exC, exD))
            for exC in exCL:
                exL.append((exC, None))
        return exL

    def getExampleListAlt(self, category, attribute, fallBack=True):
        vL = self.getExampleListPdbx(category, attribute)
        if not vL:
            vL = self.getExampleListNdb(category, attribute)
        if fallBack and not vL:
            vL = self.getExampleList(category, attribute)
        return vL

    def getExampleListNdb(self, category, attribute):
        exCL = self.__getListAll("ITEM_EXAMPLE_CASE_NDB", category, attribute)
        exDL = self.__getListAll("ITEM_EXAMPLE_DETAIL_NDB", category, attribute)
        exL = []
        if len(exCL) == len(exDL):
            for exC, exD in zip(exCL, exDL):
                exL.append((exC, exD))
            for exC in exCL:
                exL.append((exC, None))
        return exL

    def getExampleListPdbx(self, category, attribute):
        exCL = self.__getListAll("ITEM_EXAMPLE_CASE_PDBX", category, attribute)
        exDL = self.__getListAll("ITEM_EXAMPLE_DETAIL_PDBX", category, attribute)
        exL = []
        if len(exCL) == len(exDL):
            for exC, exD in zip(exCL, exDL):
                exL.append((exC, exD))
            for exC in exCL:
                exL.append((exC, None))
        return exL

    def getBoundaryList(self, category, attribute):
        minL = self.__getListAll("ITEM_RANGE_MINIMUM", category, attribute)
        maxL = self.__getListAll("ITEM_RANGE_MAXIMUM", category, attribute)
        bL = []
        for vMin, vMax in zip(minL, maxL):
            bL.append((vMin, vMax))
        return bL

    def getBoundaryListAlt(self, category, attribute, fallBack=True):
        vL = self.getBoundaryListPdbx(category, attribute)
        if not vL:
            vL = self.getBoundaryListNdb(category, attribute)
        if fallBack and not vL:
            vL = self.getBoundaryList(category, attribute)
        return vL

    def getBoundaryListNdb(self, category, attribute):
        minL = self.__getListAll("ITEM_RANGE_MINIMUM_NDB", category, attribute)
        maxL = self.__getListAll("ITEM_RANGE_MAXIMUM_NDB", category, attribute)
        bL = []
        for vMin, vMax in zip(minL, maxL):
            bL.append((vMin, vMax))
        return bL

    def getBoundaryListPdbx(self, category, attribute):
        minL = self.__getListAll("ITEM_RANGE_MINIMUM_PDBX", category, attribute)
        maxL = self.__getListAll("ITEM_RANGE_MAXIMUM_PDBX", category, attribute)
        bL = []
        for vMin, vMax in zip(minL, maxL):
            bL.append((vMin, vMax))
        return bL

    def getCategoryKeyList(self, category):
        return self.__getList("CATEGORY_KEY_ITEMS", category, attribute=None)

    def getCategoryGroupList(self, category):
        return self.__getList("CATEGORY_GROUP", category, attribute=None)

    def getCategoryMandatoryCode(self, category):
        return self.__get("CATEGORY_MANDATORY_CODE", category, attribute=None)

    def getCategoryDescription(self, category):
        return self.__get("CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION", category, attribute=None)

    def getCategoryNxMappingDetails(self, category):
        return self.__get("CATEGORY_NX_MAPPING_DETAILS", category, attribute=None)

    def getCategoryDescriptionAlt(self, category, fallBack=True):
        v = self.getCategoryDescriptionPdbx(category)
        if v is None:
            v = self.getCategoryDescriptionNdb(category)
        if fallBack and v is None:
            v = self.getCategoryDescription(category)
        return v

    def getCategoryDescriptionNdb(self, category):
        val = self.__get("CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION_NDB", category, attribute=None)
        return val

    def getCategoryDescriptionPdbx(self, category):
        val = self.__get("CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION_PDBX", category, attribute=None)
        return val

    def getCategoryExampleList(self, category):
        exCL = self.__getListAll("CATEGORY_EXAMPLE_CASE", category, attribute=None)
        exDL = self.__getListAll("CATEGORY_EXAMPLE_DETAIL", category, attribute=None)
        exL = []
        if len(exCL) == len(exDL):
            for exC, exD in zip(exCL, exDL):
                exL.append((exC, exD))
            for exC in exCL:
                exL.append((exC, None))
        return exL

    def getCategoryExampleListAlt(self, category, fallBack=True):
        vL = self.getCategoryExampleListPdbx(category)
        if not vL:
            vL = self.getCategoryExampleListNdb(category)
        if fallBack and not vL:
            vL = self.getCategoryExampleList(category)
        return vL

    def getCategoryExampleListNdb(self, category):
        exCL = self.__getListAll("CATEGORY_EXAMPLE_CASE_NDB", category, attribute=None)
        exDL = self.__getListAll("CATEGORY_EXAMPLE_DETAIL_NDB", category, attribute=None)
        exL = []
        if len(exCL) == len(exDL):
            for exC, exD in zip(exCL, exDL):
                exL.append((exC, exD))
            for exC in exCL:
                exL.append((exC, None))
        return exL

    def getCategoryExampleListPdbx(self, category):
        exCL = self.__getListAll("CATEGORY_EXAMPLE_CASE_PDBX", category, attribute=None)
        exDL = self.__getListAll("CATEGORY_EXAMPLE_DETAIL_PDBX", category, attribute=None)
        exL = []
        if len(exCL) == len(exDL):
            for exC, exD in zip(exCL, exDL):
                exL.append((exC, exD))
            for exC in exCL:
                exL.append((exC, None))

        return exL

    def getParentDictionary(self):
        """Create a dictionary of parents relations accross all definnitions
        as {child : [parent, parent,...]

        Exclude self parents.
        parentD = {}
        pAtN = self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PARENT"][1]
        cAtN = self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_CHILD"][1]

        for dObj in self.__containerList:
            dc = dObj.getObj(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PARENT"][0])
            if dc is not None:
                idxP = dc.getIndex(pAtN)
                idxC = dc.getIndex(cAtN)
                for row in dc.getRowList():
                    pVal = row[idxP]
                    cVal = row[idxC]
                    if pVal == cVal:
                    if cVal not in parentD:
                        parentD[cVal] = []
        return parentD

    def getItemLinkedConditions(self):
        """Create a dictionary of conditional item link relationships.

         (dict):  {{parent_name, child_name}: [{"id": , "condition_id": , "condition_child_name": , "condition_child_value": ,
                                                "condition_child_cmp_op": , "condition_log_op": ,}, {},...]}

            1 1 '_entity_poly_seq.num'  '_atom_site.label_seq_id'  '_atom_site.label_entity_id'  .            'eq'  ''  .
            2 1 '_entity_poly_seq.num'  '_atom_site.label_seq_id'  '_entity.type'              'polymer'      'eq'  .             'and'

        rD = OrderedDict()
            for ob in self.__containerList:
                if ob.getType() == "data":
                tl = ob.getObj(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_ID"][0])
                if tl is not None:
                    for row in tl.getRowList():
                        if (
                            and tl.hasAttribute(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_ID"][1])
                            and tl.hasAttribute(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CHILD_NAME"][1])
                            and tl.hasAttribute(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_PARENT_NAME"][1])
                            tD = OrderedDict()
                            tD["id"] = row[tl.getIndex(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_ID"][1])]
                            tD["condition_id"] = row[tl.getIndex(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_ID"][1])]
                            parentName = row[tl.getIndex(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_PARENT_NAME"][1])]
                            childName = row[tl.getIndex(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CHILD_NAME"][1])]
                            tD["condition_child_name"] = (
                                if tl.hasAttribute(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_CHILD_NAME"][1])
                                else None
                            tD["condition_child_value"] = (
                                if tl.hasAttribute(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_CHILD_VALUE"][1])
                                else None
                            tD["condition_child_cmp_op"] = (
                                if tl.hasAttribute(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_CHILD_CMP_OP"][1])
                                else None
                            tD["condition_child_target_name"] = (
                                if tl.hasAttribute(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_CHILD_TARGET_NAME"][1])
                                else None
                            tD["condition_log_op"] = (
                                row[tl.getIndex(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_LOG_OP"][1])] if tl.hasAttribute(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_LOG_OP"][1]) else None
                            rD.setdefault((parentName, childName), []).append(tD)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception("Failing with %s", str(e))

        return rD

    def __makeFullParentChildDictionaries(self):
        """Create a dictionaries of full parent/child relations accross all definnitions

        as  fullParentD[child]=[parent,parent,...]
        and fullChildD[parent]=[child,child,...]

        Exclude self parents.
        fullParentD = {}
        fullChildD = {}
        pAtN = self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PARENT"][1]
        cAtN = self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_CHILD"][1]

        for dObj in self.__containerList:
            #"\n\nSearching object  %s\n" % dObj.getName())
            dc = dObj.getObj(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PARENT"][0])
            if dc is not None:
                idxP = dc.getIndex(pAtN)
                idxC = dc.getIndex(cAtN)
                for row in dc.getRowList():
                    pVal = row[idxP]
                    cVal = row[idxC]
                    #"%s found parent %s child %s \n" % (dObj.getName(),pVal,cVal))
                    if pVal == cVal:
                    if cVal not in fullParentD:
                        fullParentD[cVal] = []
                    if pVal not in fullChildD:
                        fullChildD[pVal] = []

        return fullParentD, fullChildD

    def __get(self, enumCode, category, attribute=None, followAncestors=False):
        """Return the last occurrence of the input dictionary metadata.  If the value
        for the input category/attribute is null/missing then optionally check for
        an ancestor value.
        v0 = self.__getValue(enumCode, category, attribute)
        if not followAncestors:
            return v0
            if (v0 is None) or (not v0) or (v0 in [".", "?"]):
                pItem = self.getUltimateParent(category, attribute)
                if (pItem is not None) and pItem and (pItem != CifName.itemName(category, attribute)):
                    logger.debug("Reassigning enum code %s  category %s attribute %s to parent %r", enumCode, category, attribute, pItem)
                    return self.__getValue(enumCode, CifName.categoryPart(pItem), CifName.attributePart(pItem))
        return v0

    def __getValue(self, enumCode, category, attribute=None):
        """Returns the last occurrence of the input dictionary metadata (enumCode) for the input category/attribute
        encountered in the list of objects stored at the indicated definition index.

        eS = None
        if enumCode not in self.__enumD:
            return eS

        if attribute is not None:
            nm = "_" + category + "." + attribute
            nm = category

        if nm in self.__definitionIndex:
            dObjL = self.__definitionIndex[nm]
            for dObj in dObjL:
                dc = dObj.getObj(self.__enumD[enumCode][0])
                if dc is not None:
                    atN = self.__enumD[enumCode][1]
                    rL = dc.getRowList()
                    if rL:
                        row = rL[0]
                        if atN is not None:
                            if dc.hasAttribute(atN):
                                eS = row[dc.getIndex(atN)]
                            eS = [rv for rv in row]
        return eS

    def __getList(self, enumCode, category, attribute=None):
        """Return the list of unique values"""
        return list(set(self.__getListAll(enumCode, category, attribute)))

    def __getListAll(self, enumCode, category, attribute=None):
        """Return a list of all values"""
        eL = []
        if enumCode not in self.__enumD:
            return eL

        if attribute is not None:
            nm = "_" + category + "." + attribute
            nm = category

        if nm in self.__definitionIndex:
            dObjL = self.__definitionIndex[nm]
            for dObj in dObjL:
                dc = dObj.getObj(self.__enumD[enumCode][0])
                if dc is not None:
                    atN = self.__enumD[enumCode][1]
                    for row in dc.getRowList():
                        if atN is not None:
                            if dc.hasAttribute(atN):
                            eL = [rv for rv in row]

        return eL

    def getMethodIndex(self):
        return self.__methodIndex

    def __makeIndex(self):
        """Create indices of definitions, categories and items."""
        iD = OrderedDict()
        for dD in self.__containerList:
            name = dD.getName()
            dType = dD.getType()
            if name not in self.__fullIndex:
                self.__fullIndex[name] = []
            if dType == "definition" and dD.isCategory():
                if name not in self.__catNameIndex:
                    self.__catNameIndex[name] = []
                if name not in self.__catNameItemIndex:
                    self.__catNameItemIndex[name] = []
                if name not in self.__definitionIndex:
                    self.__definitionIndex[name] = []

            elif dType == "definition" and dD.isAttribute():
                catN = CifName.categoryPart(name)
                attN = CifName.attributePart(name)
                if catN not in self.__catNameItemIndex:
                    self.__catNameItemIndex[catN] = []
                if name not in self.__catNameItemIndex:

                if catN not in self.__catNameIndex:
                    self.__catNameIndex[catN] = []
                if attN not in self.__catNameIndex[catN]:
                if name not in self.__definitionIndex:
                    self.__definitionIndex[name] = []
                iD[name] = name
            elif dType == "data":
                for nm in dD.getObjNameList():
                    if nm not in self.__dataIndex:
                        self.__dataIndex[nm] = dD.getObj(nm)
        self.__itemNameList = list(iD.keys())

    def getDefinitionIndex(self):
        return self.__definitionIndex

    def getFullIndex(self):
        return self.__fullIndex

    def getMethod(self, mId):
        if mId in self.__methodDict:
            return self.__methodDict[mId]
            return None

    def getCategoryList(self):
        return list(self.__catNameIndex.keys())

    def getCategoryIndex(self):
        return self.__catNameIndex

    def getAttributeNameList(self, category):
            return self.__catNameIndex[category]
        except Exception:
        return []

    def getItemNameList(self, category):
            return self.__catNameItemIndex[category]
        except Exception:
        return []

    def getSubCategoryDescription(self, subCategoryName):
        if subCategoryName in self.__subCategoryDict:
            return self.__subCategoryDict[subCategoryName]
            return ""

    def __getMethods(self):
        self.__methodDict = OrderedDict()
        self.__methodIndex = OrderedDict()
        for ob in self.__containerList:
            if ob.getType() == "data":
                ml = ob.getObj("method_list")
                if ml is not None:
                    # Use row order as priority
                    for ii, row in enumerate(ml.getRowList(), 1):
                        if ml.hasAttribute("id") and ml.hasAttribute("code") and ml.hasAttribute("language") and ml.hasAttribute("implementation_source"):
                            tInline = row[ml.getIndex("inline")] if ml.hasAttribute("inline") else None
                            tImpl = row[ml.getIndex("implementation")] if ml.hasAttribute("implementation") else None
                            mth = MethodDefinition(
                                row[ml.getIndex("id")], row[ml.getIndex("code")], row[ml.getIndex("language")], tInline, ii, tImpl, row[ml.getIndex("implementation_source")]
                            self.__methodDict[row[ml.getIndex("id")]] = mth

                ml = ob.getObj("datablock_methods")
                if ml is not None:
                    for row in ml.getRowList():
                        if ml.hasAttribute("method_id"):
                            # mth = MethodReference(row[ml.getIndex('method_id')], 'datablock', ob.getName(), None)
                            mth = MethodReference(row[ml.getIndex("method_id")], "datablock", None, None)
                            if ob.getName() in self.__methodIndex:
                                self.__methodIndex[ob.getName()] = []
            elif ob.getType() == "definition":
                mi = ob.getObj("category_methods")
                if mi is not None:
                    for row in mi.getRowList():
                        if mi.hasAttribute("method_id"):
                            mth = MethodReference(row[mi.getIndex("method_id")], "category", ob.getName(), None)
                            if ob.getName() in self.__methodIndex:
                                self.__methodIndex[ob.getName()] = []
                mi = ob.getObj("item_methods")
                if mi is not None:
                    for row in mi.getRowList():
                        if mi.hasAttribute("method_id"):
                            mth = MethodReference(row[mi.getIndex("method_id")], "attribute", CifName.categoryPart(ob.getName()), CifName.attributePart(ob.getName()))
                            if ob.getName() in self.__methodIndex:
                                self.__methodIndex[ob.getName()] = []
        return self.__methodIndex

    def dumpCategoryIndex(self, fh=sys.stdout):
        for k, vL in self.__catNameIndex.items():
            uvL = list(set(vL))
            fh.write("Category: %s has %d attributes\n" % (k, len(uvL)))
            for v in sorted(uvL):
                fh.write("  Attribute: %s\n" % v)

    def dumpMethods(self, fh=sys.stdout):
        for k, vL in self.__methodIndex.items():
            fh.write("Method index key: %s length %d\n" % (k, len(vL)))
            for v in vL:
        fh.write("Inline method details\n")
        for k, vL in self.__methodIndex.items():
            fh.write("Method index key: %s\n" % k)
            for v in vL:
                fh.write("Method ID: %r\n" % v.getId())
                if self.getMethod(v.getId()):
                    fh.write("%r" % v)
                    # fh.write("Method text: %s\n" % self.getMethod(v.getId()).getInline())
                    fh.write("Missing method for %r" % v.getId())

    def dumpEnumFeatures(self, fh=sys.stdout):
        for k, vL in self.__catNameIndex.items():
            uvL = list(set(vL))
            for v in sorted(uvL):
                itL = self.getEnumList(k, v)
                if itL:
                    fh.write("       Category : %s\n" % k)
                    fh.write("       Attribute: %s\n" % v)
                    fh.write("     Description: \n%s\n" % self.getDescription(k, v))
                    fh.write("            Type: %s\n" % self.getTypeCode(k, v))
                    fh.write("  Primitive type: %s\n" % self.getTypePrimitive(k, v))
                    fh.write("      Regex type: %s\n" % self.getTypeRegex(k, v))
                    fh.write("      Enum list length %d\n" % len(itL))
                    for it in itL:
                        fh.write("      Enum: %s\n" % it)

    def dumpFeatures(self, fh=sys.stdout):
        for k, vL in self.__catNameIndex.items():
            uvL = list(set(vL))
            fh.write("Category: %s has %d attributes\n" % (k, len(uvL)))
            fh.write("     Category description: %s\n" % self.getCategoryDescription(k))
            fh.write(" Alt category description: %s\n" % self.getCategoryDescriptionAlt(k))

            fh.write("         Category context: %s\n" % self.getCategoryContextList(k))

            ctL = self.getCategoryExampleList(k)
            if ctL:
                fh.write("    Category example list length %d\n" % len(ctL))
                for ct1, ct2 in ctL:
                    fh.write("      Example   case: %s\n" % ct1)
                    fh.write("      Example detail: %s\n" % ct2)

            ctL = self.getCategoryExampleListAlt(k)
            if ctL:
                fh.write("    Alt category example list length %d\n" % len(ctL))
                for ct1, ct2 in ctL:
                    fh.write("     Alt example   case: %s\n" % ct1)
                    fh.write("     Alt example detail: %s\n" % ct2)

            for v in sorted(uvL):
                fh.write("  Attribute: %s\n" % v)
                fh.write("     Description: %s\n" % self.getDescription(k, v))
                fh.write(" Alt description: %s\n" % self.getDescriptionAlt(k, v))
                fh.write("            Type: %s\n" % self.getTypeCode(k, v))
                fh.write("        Alt Type: %s\n" % self.getTypeCodeAlt(k, v))
                fh.write("  Primitive type: %s\n" % self.getTypePrimitive(k, v))
                fh.write("      Regex type: %s\n" % self.getTypeRegex(k, v))
                fh.write("         Context: %s\n" % self.getContextList(k, v))
                fh.write(" Type conditions: %s\n" % self.getTypeConditionsCode(k, v))
                fh.write("   Subcategories: %s\n" % self.getItemSubCategoryIdList(k, v))
                itL = self.getEnumList(k, v)
                if itL:
                    fh.write("      Enum list length %d\n" % len(itL))
                    for it in itL:
                        fh.write("      Enum: %s\n" % it)

                itL = self.getParentList(k, v)
                if itL:
                    fh.write("    Parent list length %d\n" % len(itL))
                    for it in itL:
                        fh.write("      Parent: %s\n" % it)
                itL = self.getChildList(k, v)
                if itL:
                    fh.write("    Child list length %d\n" % len(itL))
                    for it in itL:
                        fh.write("      Child: %s\n" % it)

                itL = self.getExampleList(k, v)
                if itL:
                    fh.write("    Example list length %d\n" % len(itL))
                    for it1, it2 in itL:
                        fh.write("      Example   case: %s\n" % it1)
                        fh.write("      Example detail: %s\n" % it2)

                itL = self.getBoundaryList(k, v)
                if itL:
                    fh.write("    Boundary list length %d\n" % len(itL))
                    for (it1, it2) in itL:
                        fh.write("      Boundary condition (min,max):  (%s,%s)\n" % (it1, it2))

                itL = self.getEnumListAlt(k, v)
                if itL:
                    fh.write("      Alt enum list length %d\n" % len(itL))
                    for it in itL:
                        fh.write("      Alt enum: %s\n" % it)

                itL = self.getExampleListAlt(k, v)
                if itL:
                    fh.write("    Alt example list length %d\n" % len(itL))
                    for it1, it2 in itL:
                        fh.write("      Alt example   case: %s\n" % it1)
                        fh.write("      Alt example detail: %s\n" % it2)

                itL = self.getBoundaryListAlt(k, v)
                if itL:
                    fh.write("    Alt boundary list length %d\n" % len(itL))
                    for (it1, it2) in itL:
                        fh.write("      Alt boundary condition (min,max):  (%s,%s)\n" % (it1, it2))

                itL = self.getItemRelatedList(k, v)
                if itL:
                    fh.write("    Related name list length %d\n" % len(itL))
                    for (it1, it2) in itL:
                        fh.write("      Related item name   %s function code %s\n" % (it1, it2))

                itL = self.getItemAliasList(k, v)
                if itL:
                    fh.write("    Alias name list length %d\n" % len(itL))
                    for (it1, it2, it3) in itL:
                        fh.write("      Alias name   %s dictionary %s version %s\n" % (it1, it2, it3))

                itL = self.getItemDependentNameList(k, v)
                if itL:
                    fh.write("    Dependent name list length %d\n" % len(itL))
                    for it1 in itL:
                        fh.write("      Dependent item name   %s\n" % it1)

    def dumpDataSections(self, fh=sys.stdout):
        fh.write("Datablock:  %r\n" % list(self.__dataBlockDictList))
        fh.write("Dictionary: %r\n" % list(self.__dictionaryDictList))
        fh.write("Dictionary History: %r\n" % self.__dictionaryHistoryList)
        fh.write("Subcategories: %r\n" % list(self.__subCategoryDict.items()))
        fh.write("Category groups:  %r\n" % list(self.__categoryGroupDict.items()))
        fh.write("Item units:  %r\n" % list(self.__itemUnitsDict.items()))
        fh.write("Item units conversions: %r \n" % self.__itemUnitsConversionList)
        fh.write("Item linked groups: %r\n" % list(self.__itemLinkedGroupDict.items()))
        fh.write("Item linked group item list: %r\n" % list(self.__itemLinkedGroupItemDict.items()))

    def dumpItemLinkedGroups(self, fh=sys.stdout):
        for categoryId, lgList in self.__itemLinkedGroupDict.items():
            for lg in lgList:
                if (categoryId, lg[1]) in self.__itemLinkedGroupItemDict:
                    fh.write("  Category  %s   linked group %s:\n" % (categoryId, lg[1]))
                    lgIList = self.__itemLinkedGroupItemDict[(categoryId, lg[1])]
                    for lgI in lgIList:
                        fh.write("    group %s --- child item %s   parent item %s\n" % (lg[1], lgI[0], lgI[1]))

    def __addItemLinkToDef(self, dObj, parentName, childName):
        """Add the input link relationship to the input definition object."""
        if dObj.exists("item_linked"):
            # update in place --
            cObj = dObj.getObj("item_linked")
            iFound = False
            idxP = cObj.getIndex("parent_name")
            idxC = cObj.getIndex("child_name")
            for row in cObj.getRowList():
                if parentName == row[idxP] and childName == row[idxC]:
                    iFound = True
            if not iFound:
                nRows = cObj.getRowCount()
                cObj.setValue(childName, "child_name", nRows)
                cObj.setValue(parentName, "parent_name", nRows)
                logger.debug("Appending item link in category %s", dObj.getName())
            return True
            # create new category and append to input object
            cObj = DataCategory("item_linked", attributeNameList=["child_name", "parent_name"])
            cObj.append([childName, parentName])
            logger.debug("Created new item link in category %s", dObj.getName())
            return True

    def __expandLoopedDefinitions(self):
        """Handle definitions containing looped item and item_linked categories --"""
        fullIndex = OrderedDict()
        for dD in self.__containerList:
            name = dD.getName()
            if name not in fullIndex:
                fullIndex[name] = []

        for name, dObjL in fullIndex.items():
            if dObjL:
                ob = dObjL[0]
                if (ob.getType() == "definition") and ob.exists("item_linked"):
                    cObj = ob.getObj("item_linked")
                    if cObj.getRowCount() > 0:
                        idxP = cObj.getIndex("parent_name")
                        idxC = cObj.getIndex("child_name")
                        itemName = ob.getName()
                        logger.debug("Current target item %s", itemName)
                        cObjNext = DataCategory("item_linked", attributeNameList=["child_name", "parent_name"])
                        # Distribute the data for each row --
                        iChanges = 0
                        for row in cObj.getRowList():
                            parentItemName = row[idxP]
                            childItemName = row[idxC]
                            if parentItemName == childItemName:
                            if childItemName != itemName:
                                iChanges += 1
                                if childItemName in fullIndex:
                                    # Add this p/c link to the child definition -
                                    self.__addItemLinkToDef(fullIndex[childItemName][0], parentItemName, childItemName)
                                    # error missing child definition object.
                                    logger.warning("Missing child item %s", childItemName)
                                cObjNext.append([row[idxC], row[idxP]])
                        if cObjNext.getRowCount() > 0:

    def __consolidateDefinitions(self):
        """Consolidate definition attributes into a single save frame section per definition."""
        fullIndex = OrderedDict()
        for dD in self.__containerList:
            name = dD.getName()
            fullIndex.setdefault(name, []).append(dD)

        # preserve the original order of sections -
        nList = []
        for dObj in self.__containerList:
            nm = dObj.getName()
            if nm not in nList:
        for name, dObjL in fullIndex.items():
            if len(dObjL) > 1:
                for dD in dObjL[1:]:
                    xList = dD.getObjNameList()
                    for nm in xList:
                        if nm not in dObjL[0].getObjNameList():
                            logger.debug("Adding %s to %s", nm, name)
                            catObj = dD.getObj(nm)
                        elif self.__replaceDefinition:
                            logger.debug("Replacing dictionary %s in %s", nm, name)
                            catObj = dD.getObj(nm)

        # create a new list of consolidated objects in original list order
        dList = []
        for nm in nList:
            if nm in fullIndex:
                dl = fullIndex[nm]
      "+DictionaryApi().__consolidate() missing object name %s", nm)
        # update lists
        self.__containerList = dList

    def getDataTypeList(self):
        """Return list of tuples containing ('code','primitive_code','construct','detail' )"""
        rowList = []
        for code in sorted(self.__typesDict.keys()):
            tup = self.__typesDict[code]
            rowList.append((code, tup[0], tup[1], tup[2]))
        return rowList

    def getSubCategoryList(self):
        """Return list of tuples containing ('id', 'description')"""
        rowList = []
        for tId in sorted(self.__subCategoryDict.keys()):
            description = self.__subCategoryDict[tId]
            rowList.append((tId, description))
        return rowList

    def getUnitsList(self):
        """Return list of tuples containing ('id', 'description')"""
        rowList = []
        for tId in sorted(self.__itemUnitsDict.keys()):
            description = self.__itemUnitsDict[tId]
            rowList.append((tId, description))
        return rowList

    def getUnitsConversionList(self):
        """Return list of tuples containing ('from_code','to_code','operator','factor')"""
        return self.__itemUnitsConversionList

    def __getDataSections(self):
        """ """
        for ob in self.__containerList:

            if ob.getType() == "data":
                logger.debug("Adding data sections from container name %s  type  %s", ob.getName(), ob.getType())
                #  add detail to data type tuple
                tl = ob.getObj("item_type_list")
                if tl is not None:
                    for row in tl.getRowList():
                        if tl.hasAttribute("code") and tl.hasAttribute("primitive_code") and tl.hasAttribute("construct") and tl.hasAttribute("detail"):
                            self.__typesDict[row[tl.getIndex("code")]] = (row[tl.getIndex("primitive_code")], row[tl.getIndex("construct")], row[tl.getIndex("detail")])

                tl = ob.getObj("datablock")
                if tl is not None:
                    rL = tl.getRowList()
                    if rL:
                        if tl.hasAttribute("id") and tl.hasAttribute("description"):
                            tD = OrderedDict()
                            row = rL[0]
                            tD["id"] = row[tl.getIndex("id")]
                            tD["description"] = row[tl.getIndex("description")]

                tl = ob.getObj("dictionary")
                if tl is not None:
                    rL = tl.getRowList()
                    if rL:
                        tD = OrderedDict()
                        row = rL[0]
                        if tl.hasAttribute("datablock_id"):
                            tD["datablock_id"] = row[tl.getIndex("datablock_id")]
                        if tl.hasAttribute("title"):
                            tD["title"] = row[tl.getIndex("title")]
                        if tl.hasAttribute("version"):
                            tD["version"] = row[tl.getIndex("version")]
                tl = ob.getObj("dictionary_history")
                if tl is not None:
                    # history as a list of dictionaries -
                    dName = ob.getName()
                    for row in tl.getRowList():
                        if tl.hasAttribute("version") and tl.hasAttribute("revision") and tl.hasAttribute("update"):
                            tD = OrderedDict()
                            tD["version"] = row[tl.getIndex("version")]
                            tD["revision"] = row[tl.getIndex("revision")]
                            tD["update"] = row[tl.getIndex("update")]
                            tD["dictionary"] = dName

                # JDW
                tl = ob.getObj("pdbx_include_dictionary")
                if tl is not None:
                    for row in tl.getRowList():
                        tD = OrderedDict()
                        if tl.hasAttribute("dictionary_id"):
                            tD["dictionary_id"] = row[tl.getIndex("dictionary_id")]
                        if tl.hasAttribute("dictionary_locator"):
                            tD["dictionary_locator"] = row[tl.getIndex("dictionary_locator")]
                        if tl.hasAttribute("include_mode"):
                            tD["include_mode"] = row[tl.getIndex("include_mode")]
                        if tl.hasAttribute("dictionary_namespace"):
                            tD["dictionary_namespace_prefix"] = row[tl.getIndex("dictionary_namespace_prefix")]
                        if tl.hasAttribute("dictionary_namespace_replace"):
                            tD["dictionary_namespace_prefix"] = row[tl.getIndex("dictionary_namespace_prefix_replace")]
                        self.__dictionaryIncludeDict[tD["dictionary_id"]] = tD
                    tl = ob.getObj("pdbx_include_category")
                    if tl is not None:
                        for row in tl.getRowList():
                            tD = OrderedDict()
                            if tl.hasAttribute("dictionary_id"):
                                tD["dictionary_id"] = row[tl.getIndex("dictionary_id")]
                            if tl.hasAttribute("category_id"):
                                tD["category_id"] = row[tl.getIndex("category_id")]
                            if tl.hasAttribute("include_as_category_id"):
                                tD["include_as_category_id"] = row[tl.getIndex("include_as_category_id")]
                            if tl.hasAttribute("include_mode"):
                                tD["include_mode"] = row[tl.getIndex("include_mode")]
                            self.__categoryIncludeDict.setdefault(tD["dictionary_id"], {}).setdefault(tD["category_id"], tD)
                    tl = ob.getObj("pdbx_include_item")
                    if tl is not None:
                        for row in tl.getRowList():
                            tD = OrderedDict()
                            if tl.hasAttribute("dictionary_id"):
                                tD["dictionary_id"] = row[tl.getIndex("dictionary_id")]
                            if tl.hasAttribute("item_name"):
                                tD["item_name"] = row[tl.getIndex("item_name")]
                            if tl.hasAttribute("include_as_item_name"):
                                tD["include_as_item_name"] = row[tl.getIndex("include_as_item_name")]
                            if tl.hasAttribute("include_mode"):
                                tD["include_mode"] = row[tl.getIndex("include_mode")]
                            categoryId = CifName.categoryPart(tD["item_name"])
                            self.__itemIncludeDict.setdefault(tD["dictionary_id"], {}).setdefault(categoryId, {}).setdefault(tD["item_name"], tD)

                tl = ob.getObj("dictionary_history")
                if tl is not None:
                    # history as a list of dictionaries -
                    dName = ob.getName()
                    for row in tl.getRowList():
                        if tl.hasAttribute("version") and tl.hasAttribute("revision") and tl.hasAttribute("update"):
                            tD = OrderedDict()
                            tD["version"] = row[tl.getIndex("version")]
                            tD["revision"] = row[tl.getIndex("revision")]
                            tD["update"] = row[tl.getIndex("update")]
                            tD["dictionary"] = dName
                tl = ob.getObj("pdbx_dictionary_component")
                if tl is not None:
                    for row in tl.getRowList():
                        tD = OrderedDict()
                        if tl.hasAttribute("dictionary_component_id"):
                            tD["dictionary_component_id"] = row[tl.getIndex("dictionary_component_id")]
                        if tl.hasAttribute("title"):
                            tD["title"] = row[tl.getIndex("title")]
                        if tl.hasAttribute("version"):
                            tD["version"] = row[tl.getIndex("version")]

                    tl = ob.getObj("pdbx_dictionary_component_history")
                    if tl is not None:
                        for row in tl.getRowList():
                            if tl.hasAttribute("version") and tl.hasAttribute("revision") and tl.hasAttribute("update"):
                                tD = OrderedDict()
                                tD["version"] = row[tl.getIndex("version")]
                                tD["revision"] = row[tl.getIndex("revision")]
                                tD["update"] = row[tl.getIndex("update")]
                                tD["dictionary_component_id"] = row[tl.getIndex("dictionary_component_id")]
                                self.__dictionaryComponentHistoryDict.setdefault(tD["dictionary_component_id"], []).append(tD)

                # JDW
                tl = ob.getObj("sub_category")
                if tl is not None:
                    # subcategories as a dictionary by id
                    self.__subCategoryDict = OrderedDict()
                    for row in tl.getRowList():
                        if tl.hasAttribute("id") and tl.hasAttribute("description"):
                            self.__subCategoryDict[row[tl.getIndex("id")]] = row[tl.getIndex("description")]

                tl = ob.getObj("category_group_list")
                if tl is not None:
                    # category groups as a dictionary by id of tuples
                    self.__categoryGroupDict = OrderedDict()
                    for row in tl.getRowList():
                        if tl.hasAttribute("id") and tl.hasAttribute("description") and tl.hasAttribute("parent_id"):
                            tD = OrderedDict()
                            tD["description"] = row[tl.getIndex("description")]
                            tD["parent_id"] = row[tl.getIndex("parent_id")]
                            tD["categories"] = []
                            self.__categoryGroupDict[row[tl.getIndex("id")]] = tD

                tl = ob.getObj("item_units_list")
                if tl is not None:
                    # units as a dictionary by code
                    self.__itemUnitsDict = OrderedDict()
                    for row in tl.getRowList():
                        if tl.hasAttribute("code") and tl.hasAttribute("detail"):
                            self.__itemUnitsDict[row[tl.getIndex("code")]] = row[tl.getIndex("detail")]

                tl = ob.getObj("item_units_conversion")
                if tl is not None:
                    # units conversion as a simple list now
                    self.__itemUnitsConversionList = []
                    for row in tl.getRowList():
                        if tl.hasAttribute("from_code") and tl.hasAttribute("to_code") and tl.hasAttribute("operator") and tl.hasAttribute("factor"):
                            self.__itemUnitsConversionList.append((row[tl.getIndex("from_code")], row[tl.getIndex("to_code")], row[tl.getIndex("operator")], row[tl.getIndex("factor")]))

                tl = ob.getObj("pdbx_item_linked_group")
                if tl is not None:
                    # parent-child collections   [category_id] -> [(1,...),(3,...),(4,...) ]
                    self.__itemLinkedGroupDict = OrderedDict()
                    for row in tl.getRowList():
                        if (
                            and tl.hasAttribute("link_group_id")
                            and tl.hasAttribute("label")
                            and tl.hasAttribute("context")
                            and tl.hasAttribute("condition_id")
                            categoryId = row[tl.getIndex("category_id")]
                            if categoryId not in self.__itemLinkedGroupDict:
                                self.__itemLinkedGroupDict[categoryId] = []
                                (row[tl.getIndex("category_id")], row[tl.getIndex("link_group_id")], row[tl.getIndex("context")], row[tl.getIndex("condition_id")])

                tl = ob.getObj("pdbx_item_linked_group_list")
                if tl is not None:
                    # parent-child collections   [(category_id,link_group_id)] -> [(child_name,parent_name,parent_category),(,...),(,...) ]
                    self.__itemLinkedGroupItemDict = OrderedDict()
                    for row in tl.getRowList():
                        if (
                            and tl.hasAttribute("link_group_id")
                            and tl.hasAttribute("child_name")
                            and tl.hasAttribute("parent_name")
                            and tl.hasAttribute("parent_category_id")
                            childCategoryId = row[tl.getIndex("child_category_id")]
                            linkGroupId = row[tl.getIndex("link_group_id")]
                            if (childCategoryId, linkGroupId) not in self.__itemLinkedGroupItemDict:
                                self.__itemLinkedGroupItemDict[(childCategoryId, linkGroupId)] = []
                            self.__itemLinkedGroupItemDict[(childCategoryId, linkGroupId)].append(
                                (row[tl.getIndex("child_name")], row[tl.getIndex("parent_name")], row[tl.getIndex("parent_category_id")])
                tl = ob.getObj("pdbx_item_value_condition_list")
                if tl is not None:
                    for row in tl.getRowList():
                        if tl.hasAttribute("dependent_item_name") and tl.hasAttribute("dependent_item_cmp_op") and tl.hasAttribute("target_item_name") and tl.hasAttribute("cond_id"):
                            tD = OrderedDict()
                            tD["cond_id"] = row[tl.getIndex("cond_id")]
                            tD["target_item_name"] = row[tl.getIndex("target_item_name")]
                            tD["dependent_item_name"] = row[tl.getIndex("dependent_item_name")]
                            tD["dependent_item_cmp_op"] = row[tl.getIndex("dependent_item_cmp_op")]
                            tD["target_item_value"] = row[tl.getIndex("target_item_value")] if tl.hasAttribute("target_item_value") else None
                            tD["dependent_item_value"] = row[tl.getIndex("dependent_item_value")] if tl.hasAttribute("dependent_item_value") else None
                            tD["log_op"] = row[tl.getIndex("log_op")] if tl.hasAttribute("log_op") else "and"
                            self.__itemValueConditionDict.setdefault(tD["target_item_name"], {}).setdefault(tD["dependent_item_name"], []).append(tD)
                tl = ob.getObj("pdbx_comparison_operator_list")
                if tl is not None:
                    for row in tl.getRowList():
                        if tl.hasAttribute("code") and tl.hasAttribute("description"):
                            tD = OrderedDict()
                            tD["code"] = row[tl.getIndex("code")]
                            tD["description"] = row[tl.getIndex("description")]
                            self.__compOpDict[tD["code"]] = tD["description"]

__init__(self, containerList, consolidate=True, expandItemLinked=False, replaceDefinition=False, **kwargs) special

Return an instance of the mmCIF dictionary API.


Name Type Description Default
containerList list

list of definition or data containers holding dictionary content

consolidate bool

consolidate dictionary attributes within a single definition. Defaults to True.

expandItemLinked bool

distribute item and item linked attributes defined for the parent to child definitions. Defaults to False.

replaceDefinition bool

when consolidating definitions in the case of multiple occurences of the same definition, attributes from the latter occurences replace prior definitions content. Defaults to False.

Source code in mmcif/api/
def __init__(self, containerList, consolidate=True, expandItemLinked=False, replaceDefinition=False, **kwargs):
    """Return an instance of the mmCIF dictionary API.

        containerList (list): list of definition or data containers holding dictionary content
        consolidate (bool, optional): consolidate dictionary attributes within a single definition. Defaults to True.
        expandItemLinked (bool, optional): distribute item and item linked attributes defined for the parent
                                           to child definitions. Defaults to False.
        replaceDefinition (bool, optional): when consolidating definitions in the case of multiple occurences of the same definition,
                                            attributes from the latter occurences replace prior definitions content. Defaults to False.
    _ = kwargs
    self.__containerList = containerList
    self.__replaceDefinition = replaceDefinition
    if consolidate:
    if expandItemLinked:

    self.__fullIndex = OrderedDict()

    # ---
    # Map category name to the unique list of attributes
    self.__catNameIndex = OrderedDict()
    # Map category name to the unique list of item names
    self.__catNameItemIndex = OrderedDict()
    # Full unique list of item names -
    self.__itemNameList = []
    # Map dictionary objects names to definition containers -
    self.__definitionIndex = OrderedDict()
    # data section/objects of the dictionary by category name -
    self.__dataIndex = OrderedDict()
    # Map of types id->(regex,primitive_type)
    self.__typesDict = OrderedDict()
    self.__enumD = {
        "ENUMERATION_VALUE": ("item_enumeration", "value"),
        "ENUMERATION_DETAIL": ("item_enumeration", "detail"),
        "ENUMERATION_TYPE_UNITS": ("item_enumeration", "rcsb_type_units_code"),
        "ENUMERATION_DETAIL_BRIEF": ("item_enumeration", "rcsb_detail_brief"),
        "ENUMERATION_TUPLE": ("item_enumeration", None),
        "ITEM_LINKED_PARENT": ("item_linked", "parent_name"),
        "ITEM_LINKED_CHILD": ("item_linked", "child_name"),
        "DATA_TYPE_CODE": ("item_type", "code"),
        "DATA_TYPE_REGEX": ("item_type_list", "construct"),
        "DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVE": ("item_type_list", "primitive_code"),
        "ITEM_NAME": ("item", "name"),
        "ITEM_CATEGORY_ID": ("item", "category_id"),
        "ITEM_MANDATORY_CODE": ("item", "mandatory_code"),
        "ITEM_DESCRIPTION": ("item_description", "description"),
        "ITEM_UNITS": ("item_units", "code"),
        "ITEM_DEFAULT_VALUE": ("item_default", "value"),
        "ITEM_EXAMPLE_CASE": ("item_examples", "case"),
        "ITEM_EXAMPLE_DETAIL": ("item_examples", "detail"),
        "ITEM_RANGE_MAXIMUM": ("item_range", "maximum"),
        "ITEM_RANGE_MINIMUM": ("item_range", "minimum"),
        "CATEGORY_KEY_ITEMS": ("category_key", "name"),
        "CATEGORY_EXAMPLE_CASE": ("category_examples", "case"),
        "CATEGORY_EXAMPLE_DETAIL": ("category_examples", "detail"),
        "CATEGORY_MANDATORY_CODE": ("category", "mandatory_code"),
        "CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION": ("category", "description"),
        "CATEGORY_NX_MAPPING_DETAILS": ("category", "NX_mapping_details"),
        "DATA_TYPE_CODE_NDB": ("ndb_item_type", "code"),
        "ITEM_DESCRIPTION_NDB": ("ndb_item_description", "description"),
        "ENUMERATION_VALUE_NDB": ("ndb_item_enumeration", "value"),
        "ENUMERATION_DETAIL_NDB": ("ndb_item_enumeration", "detail"),
        "ITEM_MANDATORY_CODE_NDB": ("ndb_item", "mandatory_code"),
        "ITEM_EXAMPLE_CASE_NDB": ("ndb_item_examples", "case"),
        "ITEM_EXAMPLE_DETAIL_NDB": ("ndb_item_examples", "detail"),
        "ITEM_RANGE_MAXIMUM_NDB": ("ndb_item_range", "maximum"),
        "ITEM_RANGE_MINIMUM_NDB": ("ndb_item_range", "minimum"),
        "CATEGORY_EXAMPLE_CASE_NDB": ("ndb_category_examples", "case"),
        "CATEGORY_EXAMPLE_DETAIL_NDB": ("ndb_category_examples", "detail"),
        "CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION_NDB": ("ndb_category_description", "description"),
        "DATA_TYPE_CODE_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_type", "code"),
        "ITEM_DESCRIPTION_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_description", "description"),
        "ENUMERATION_VALUE_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_enumeration", "value"),
        "ENUMERATION_DETAIL_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_enumeration", "detail"),
        "ENUMERATION_TYPE_UNITS_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_enumeration", "type_units_code"),
        "ENUMERATION_DETAIL_BRIEF_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_enumeration", "detail_brief"),
        "ITEM_MANDATORY_CODE_PDBX": ("pdbx_item", "mandatory_code"),
        "ITEM_EXAMPLE_CASE_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_examples", "case"),
        "ITEM_EXAMPLE_DETAIL_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_examples", "detail"),
        "ITEM_RANGE_MAXIMUM_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_range", "maximum"),
        "ITEM_RANGE_MINIMUM_PDBX": ("pdbx_item_range", "minimum"),
        "CATEGORY_EXAMPLE_CASE_PDBX": ("pdbx_category_examples", "case"),
        "CATEGORY_EXAMPLE_DETAIL_PDBX": ("pdbx_category_examples", "detail"),
        "CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION_PDBX": ("pdbx_category_description", "description"),
        "CATEGORY_CONTEXT": ("pdbx_category_context", "type"),
        "CATEGORY_GROUP": ("category_group", "id"),
        "ITEM_CONTEXT": ("pdbx_item_context", "type"),
        "ENUMERATION_CLOSED_FLAG": ("pdbx_item_enumeration_details", "closed_flag"),
        "ITEM_RELATED_FUNCTION_CODE": ("item_related", "function_code"),
        "ITEM_RELATED_RELATED_NAME": ("item_related", "related_name"),
        "ITEM_ALIAS_ALIAS_NAME": ("item_aliases", "alias_name"),
        "ITEM_ALIAS_DICTIONARY": ("item_aliases", "dictionary"),
        "ITEM_ALIAS_VERSION": ("item_aliases", "version"),
        "ITEM_DEPENDENT_DEPENDENT_NAME": ("item_dependent", "dependent_name"),
        "ITEM_SUB_CATEGORY_ID": ("item_sub_category", "id"),
        "ITEM_SUB_CATEGORY_LABEL": ("item_sub_category", "pdbx_label"),
        "ITEM_TYPE_CONDITIONS_CODE": ("item_type_conditions", "code"),
        "ITEM_VALUE_CONDITION_DEPENDENT_NAME": ("pdbx_item_value_condition", "dependent_item_name"),
        "ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_ID": ("pdbx_item_linked", "id"),
        "ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_ID": ("pdbx_item_linked", "condition_id"),
        "ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_PARENT_NAME": ("pdbx_item_linked", "parent_name"),
        "ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CHILD_NAME": ("pdbx_item_linked", "child_name"),
        "ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_CHILD_NAME": ("pdbx_item_linked", "condition_child_name"),
        "ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_CHILD_VALUE": ("pdbx_item_linked", "condition_child_value"),
        "ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_CHILD_TARGET_NAME": ("pdbx_item_linked", "condition_child_target_name"),
        "ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_CHILD_CMP_OP": ("pdbx_item_linked", "condition_child_cmp_op"),
        "ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_LOG_OP": ("pdbx_item_linked", "condition_log_op"),
    self.__methodDict = OrderedDict()
    self.__methodIndex = OrderedDict()
    self.__fullParentD, self.__fullChildD = self.__makeFullParentChildDictionaries()
    self.__dataBlockDictList = []
    self.__dictionaryDictList = []
    self.__subCategoryDict = OrderedDict()
    self.__categoryGroupDict = OrderedDict()
    self.__groupIndex = False
    self.__groupChildIndex = OrderedDict()
    # Data sections -
    self.__dictionaryHistoryList = []
    self.__itemUnitsDict = OrderedDict()
    self.__itemUnitsConversionList = []
    self.__itemLinkedGroupDict = OrderedDict()
    self.__itemLinkedGroupItemDict = OrderedDict()
    self.__dictionaryIncludeDict = OrderedDict()
    self.__categoryIncludeDict = OrderedDict()
    self.__itemIncludeDict = OrderedDict()
    self.__dictionaryComponentList = []
    self.__dictionaryComponentHistoryDict = OrderedDict()
    self.__itemValueConditionDict = OrderedDict()
    self.__compOpDict = OrderedDict()


Return list of tuples containing ('code','primitive_code','construct','detail' )

Source code in mmcif/api/
def getDataTypeList(self):
    """Return list of tuples containing ('code','primitive_code','construct','detail' )"""
    rowList = []
    for code in sorted(self.__typesDict.keys()):
        tup = self.__typesDict[code]
        rowList.append((code, tup[0], tup[1], tup[2]))
    return rowList


Get the count of dictionary components.

Source code in mmcif/api/
def getDictionaryComponentCount(self):
    """Get the count of dictionary components."""
        return len(self.__dictionaryComponentList)
    except Exception:
        return 0


Returns the component dictionary list as tuples [(version,title,dictionary_component_id),...]

Source code in mmcif/api/
def getDictionaryComponentDetails(self):
    """Returns the component dictionary list as tuples [(version,title,dictionary_component_id),...]"""
    oL = []
        for tD in self.__dictionaryComponentList:
            oL.append((tD["version"], tD["title"], tD["dictionary_component_id"]))
    except Exception:
    return oL

getDictionaryComponentHistory(self, dictionaryComponentId, order='reverse')

Returns the revision history as a list of tuples [(version,update,revisionText,dictionary),...]

Source code in mmcif/api/
def getDictionaryComponentHistory(self, dictionaryComponentId, order="reverse"):
    """Returns the revision history as a list of tuples [(version,update,revisionText,dictionary),...]"""
    oL = []
        if order == "reverse":
            for tD in reversed(self.__dictionaryComponentHistoryDict[dictionaryComponentId]):
                oL.append((tD["version"], tD["update"], tD["revision"], tD["dictionary_component_id"]))
            for tD in self.__dictionaryComponentHistoryDict[dictionaryComponentId]:
                oL.append((tD["version"], tD["update"], tD["revision"], tD["dictionary_component_id"]))
    except Exception:
    return oL


Get the list of dictionary components.

Source code in mmcif/api/
def getDictionaryComponents(self):
    """Get the list of dictionary components."""
        return list(self.__dictionaryComponentHistoryDict.keys())
    except Exception:
        return []

getDictionaryHistory(self, order='reverse')

Returns the revision history as a list of tuples [(version,update,revisionText,dictionary),...]

Source code in mmcif/api/
def getDictionaryHistory(self, order="reverse"):
    """Returns the revision history as a list of tuples [(version,update,revisionText,dictionary),...]"""
    oL = []
        if order == "reverse":
            for tD in reversed(self.__dictionaryHistoryList):
                oL.append((tD["version"], tD["update"], tD["revision"], tD["dictionary"]))
            for tD in self.__dictionaryHistoryList:
                oL.append((tD["version"], tD["update"], tD["revision"], tD["dictionary"]))
    except Exception:
    return oL


Get the count of revision history records.

Source code in mmcif/api/
def getDictionaryRevisionCount(self):
    """Get the count of revision history records."""
        return len(self.__dictionaryHistoryList)
    except Exception:
        return 0

getDictionaryUpdate(self, order='reverse')

Get details from the first/last history element.

Source code in mmcif/api/
def getDictionaryUpdate(self, order="reverse"):
    """Get details from the first/last history element."""
        if order == "reverse":
            tD = self.__dictionaryHistoryList[-1]
            tD = self.__dictionaryHistoryList[0]

        return tD["update"]

    except Exception:
        return None


Create a dictionary of conditional item link relationships.


Type Description

{{parent_name, child_name}: [{"id": , "condition_id": , "condition_child_name": , "condition_child_value": , "condition_child_cmp_op": , "condition_log_op": ,}, {},...]}


    1 1 '_entity_poly_seq.num'  '_atom_site.label_seq_id'  '_atom_site.label_entity_id'  .            'eq'  ''  .
    2 1 '_entity_poly_seq.num'  '_atom_site.label_seq_id'  '_entity.type'              'polymer'      'eq'  .             'and'
Source code in mmcif/api/
def getItemLinkedConditions(self):
    """Create a dictionary of conditional item link relationships.

     (dict):  {{parent_name, child_name}: [{"id": , "condition_id": , "condition_child_name": , "condition_child_value": ,
                                            "condition_child_cmp_op": , "condition_log_op": ,}, {},...]}

        1 1 '_entity_poly_seq.num'  '_atom_site.label_seq_id'  '_atom_site.label_entity_id'  .            'eq'  ''  .
        2 1 '_entity_poly_seq.num'  '_atom_site.label_seq_id'  '_entity.type'              'polymer'      'eq'  .             'and'

    rD = OrderedDict()
        for ob in self.__containerList:
            if ob.getType() == "data":
            tl = ob.getObj(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_ID"][0])
            if tl is not None:
                for row in tl.getRowList():
                    if (
                        and tl.hasAttribute(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_ID"][1])
                        and tl.hasAttribute(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CHILD_NAME"][1])
                        and tl.hasAttribute(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_PARENT_NAME"][1])
                        tD = OrderedDict()
                        tD["id"] = row[tl.getIndex(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_ID"][1])]
                        tD["condition_id"] = row[tl.getIndex(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_ID"][1])]
                        parentName = row[tl.getIndex(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_PARENT_NAME"][1])]
                        childName = row[tl.getIndex(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CHILD_NAME"][1])]
                        tD["condition_child_name"] = (
                            if tl.hasAttribute(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_CHILD_NAME"][1])
                            else None
                        tD["condition_child_value"] = (
                            if tl.hasAttribute(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_CHILD_VALUE"][1])
                            else None
                        tD["condition_child_cmp_op"] = (
                            if tl.hasAttribute(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_CHILD_CMP_OP"][1])
                            else None
                        tD["condition_child_target_name"] = (
                            if tl.hasAttribute(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_CHILD_TARGET_NAME"][1])
                            else None
                        tD["condition_log_op"] = (
                            row[tl.getIndex(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_LOG_OP"][1])] if tl.hasAttribute(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PDBX_CONDITION_LOG_OP"][1]) else None
                        rD.setdefault((parentName, childName), []).append(tD)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.exception("Failing with %s", str(e))

    return rD


Create a dictionary of parents relations accross all definnitions as {child : [parent, parent,...]

Exclude self parents.

Source code in mmcif/api/
def getParentDictionary(self):
    """Create a dictionary of parents relations accross all definnitions
    as {child : [parent, parent,...]

    Exclude self parents.
    parentD = {}
    pAtN = self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PARENT"][1]
    cAtN = self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_CHILD"][1]

    for dObj in self.__containerList:
        dc = dObj.getObj(self.__enumD["ITEM_LINKED_PARENT"][0])
        if dc is not None:
            idxP = dc.getIndex(pAtN)
            idxC = dc.getIndex(cAtN)
            for row in dc.getRowList():
                pVal = row[idxP]
                cVal = row[idxC]
                if pVal == cVal:
                if cVal not in parentD:
                    parentD[cVal] = []
    return parentD


Return list of tuples containing ('id', 'description')

Source code in mmcif/api/
def getSubCategoryList(self):
    """Return list of tuples containing ('id', 'description')"""
    rowList = []
    for tId in sorted(self.__subCategoryDict.keys()):
        description = self.__subCategoryDict[tId]
        rowList.append((tId, description))
    return rowList

getUltimateParent(self, category, attribute)

Return the first ultimate parent item for the input item.

Source code in mmcif/api/
def getUltimateParent(self, category, attribute):
    """Return the first ultimate parent item for the input item."""
    #        pL=self.__getList('ITEM_LINKED_PARENT',category,attribute)
    pL = self.getFullParentList(category, attribute)
    itemName = CifName.itemName(category, attribute)
    while pL and (pL[0] != itemName):
        attN = CifName.attributePart(pL[0])
        catN = CifName.categoryPart(pL[0])
        itemName = pL[0]
        pL = self.getFullParentList(catN, attN)
        # pL=self.__getList('ITEM_LINKED_PARENT',catN,attN)
    return itemName


Return list of tuples containing ('from_code','to_code','operator','factor')

Source code in mmcif/api/
def getUnitsConversionList(self):
    """Return list of tuples containing ('from_code','to_code','operator','factor')"""
    return self.__itemUnitsConversionList


Return list of tuples containing ('id', 'description')

Source code in mmcif/api/
def getUnitsList(self):
    """Return list of tuples containing ('id', 'description')"""
    rowList = []
    for tId in sorted(self.__itemUnitsDict.keys()):
        description = self.__itemUnitsDict[tId]
        rowList.append((tId, description))
    return rowList