Writer methods for the binary CIF format.
Source code in mmcif/io/
class BinaryCifWriter(object):
"""Writer methods for the binary CIF format."""
def __init__(
"""Create an instance of the binary CIF writer class.
dictionaryApi (object): DictionaryApi object instance
storeStringsAsBytes (bool, optional): strings are stored as lists of bytes. Defaults to False.
defaultStringEncoding (str, optional): default encoding for string data. Defaults to "utf-8".
applyTypes (bool, optional): apply explicit data typing before encoding. Defaults to True.
useStringTypes (bool, optional): assume all types are string. Defaults to False.
useFloat64 (bool, optional): store floats with 64 bit precision. Defaults to False.
copyInputData (bool, optional): make a new copy input data. Defaults to False.
ignoreCastErrors (bool, optional): suppress errors when casting attribute types with dictionaryApi. Defaults to False.
applyMolStarTypes: (bool, optional): If applyTypes is used, will use specific molstar hints. Defaults to True.
self.__version = "0.3.0"
self.__storeStringsAsBytes = storeStringsAsBytes
self.__defaultStringEncoding = defaultStringEncoding
self.__applyTypes = applyTypes
self.__useStringTypes = useStringTypes
self.__useFloat64 = useFloat64
self.__dApi = dictionaryApi
self.__copyInputData = copyInputData
self.__ignoreCastErrors = ignoreCastErrors
self.__applyMolStarTypes = kwargs.get("applyMolStarTypes", True)
self.__dch = DataCategoryHints()
def serialize(self, filePath, containerList):
"""Serialize the input container list in binary CIF and store these data in the input file path.
filePath (str): output file path
containerList (list): list of DataContainer objects
blocks = []
for container in containerList:
name = container.getName()
block = {self.__toBytes("header"): self.__toBytes(name), self.__toBytes("categories"): []}
categories = block[self.__toBytes("categories")]
for catName in container.getObjNameList():
cObj = container.getObj(catName)
if self.__applyTypes:
cObj = DataCategoryTyped(cObj, dictionaryApi=self.__dApi, copyInputData=self.__copyInputData,
ignoreCastErrors=self.__ignoreCastErrors, applyMolStarTypes=self.__applyMolStarTypes)
rowCount = cObj.getRowCount()
cols = []
for ii, atName in enumerate(cObj.getAttributeList()):
colDataList = cObj.getColumn(ii)
dataType = self.__getAttributeType(cObj, atName) if not self.__useStringTypes else "string"
logger.debug("catName %r atName %r dataType %r", catName, atName, dataType)
colMaskDict, encodedColDataList, encodingDictL = self.__encodeColumnData(colDataList, dataType)
self.__toBytes("name"): self.__toBytes(atName),
self.__toBytes("mask"): colMaskDict,
self.__toBytes("data"): {self.__toBytes("data"): encodedColDataList, self.__toBytes("encoding"): encodingDictL},
categories.append({self.__toBytes("name"): self.__toBytes("_" + catName), self.__toBytes("columns"): cols, self.__toBytes("rowCount"): rowCount})
data = {
self.__toBytes("version"): self.__toBytes(self.__version),
self.__toBytes("encoder"): self.__toBytes("python-mmcif library"),
self.__toBytes("dataBlocks"): blocks,
with open(filePath, "wb") as ofh:
msgpack.pack(data, ofh)
return True
except Exception as e:
logger.exception("Failing with %s", str(e))
return False
def __encodeColumnData(self, colDataList, dataType):
colMaskDict = None # Use None when no mask and not {} - per Mol* implementation
enc = BinaryCifEncoders(defaultStringEncoding=self.__defaultStringEncoding, storeStringsAsBytes=self.__storeStringsAsBytes, useFloat64=self.__useFloat64)
maskEncoderList = ["Delta", "RunLength", "IntegerPacking", "ByteArray"]
typeEncoderD = {"string": "StringArrayMasked", "integer": "IntArrayMasked", "float": "FloatArrayMasked"}
colMaskList = enc.getMask(colDataList)
dataEncType = typeEncoderD[dataType]
colDataEncoded, colDataEncodingDictL = enc.encodeWithMask(colDataList, colMaskList, dataEncType)
if colMaskList:
maskEncoded, maskEncodingDictL = enc.encode(colMaskList, maskEncoderList, "integer")
colMaskDict = {self.__toBytes("data"): maskEncoded, self.__toBytes("encoding"): maskEncodingDictL}
return colMaskDict, colDataEncoded, colDataEncodingDictL
def __toBytes(self, strVal):
"""Optional conversion of the input string to bytes according to the class setting (storeStringsAsBytes).
strVal (string): input string
string or bytes: optionally converted string.
return strVal.encode(self.__defaultStringEncoding) if self.__storeStringsAsBytes else strVal
except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
logger.exception("Bad type for %r", strVal)
return strVal
def __getAttributeType(self, dObj, atName):
"""Get attribute data type (string, integer, or float) and optionality
atName (str): attribute name
(string): data type (string, integer or float)
cifDataType = self.__dApi.getTypeCode(dObj.getName(), atName)
# cifPrimitiveType = self.__dApi.getTypePrimitive(dObj.getName(), atName)
if cifDataType is None:
dataType = "string"
if not self.__ignoreCastErrors:
logger.warning("Undefined type for category %s attribute %s - Will treat as string", dObj.getName(), atName)
dataType = self.__dch.getPdbxItemType(cifDataType)
# dataType = "integer" if "int" in cifDataType else "float" if cifPrimitiveType == "numb" else "string"
# Only if applying types, do we allow Mol* hints
if self.__applyTypes and self.__applyMolStarTypes:
nm = CifName().itemName(dObj.getName(), atName)
if self.__dch.inMolStarIntHints(nm):
dataType = "integer"
return dataType
__init__(self, dictionaryApi, storeStringsAsBytes=False, defaultStringEncoding='utf-8', applyTypes=True, useStringTypes=False, useFloat64=False, copyInputData=False, ignoreCastErrors=False, **kwargs)
Create an instance of the binary CIF writer class.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
dictionaryApi |
object |
DictionaryApi object instance |
required |
storeStringsAsBytes |
bool |
strings are stored as lists of bytes. Defaults to False. |
False |
defaultStringEncoding |
str |
default encoding for string data. Defaults to "utf-8". |
'utf-8' |
applyTypes |
bool |
apply explicit data typing before encoding. Defaults to True. |
True |
useStringTypes |
bool |
assume all types are string. Defaults to False. |
False |
useFloat64 |
bool |
store floats with 64 bit precision. Defaults to False. |
False |
copyInputData |
bool |
make a new copy input data. Defaults to False. |
False |
ignoreCastErrors |
bool |
suppress errors when casting attribute types with dictionaryApi. Defaults to False. |
False |
applyMolStarTypes |
(bool, optional): If applyTypes is used, will use specific molstar hints. Defaults to True. |
required |
Source code in mmcif/io/
def __init__(
"""Create an instance of the binary CIF writer class.
dictionaryApi (object): DictionaryApi object instance
storeStringsAsBytes (bool, optional): strings are stored as lists of bytes. Defaults to False.
defaultStringEncoding (str, optional): default encoding for string data. Defaults to "utf-8".
applyTypes (bool, optional): apply explicit data typing before encoding. Defaults to True.
useStringTypes (bool, optional): assume all types are string. Defaults to False.
useFloat64 (bool, optional): store floats with 64 bit precision. Defaults to False.
copyInputData (bool, optional): make a new copy input data. Defaults to False.
ignoreCastErrors (bool, optional): suppress errors when casting attribute types with dictionaryApi. Defaults to False.
applyMolStarTypes: (bool, optional): If applyTypes is used, will use specific molstar hints. Defaults to True.
self.__version = "0.3.0"
self.__storeStringsAsBytes = storeStringsAsBytes
self.__defaultStringEncoding = defaultStringEncoding
self.__applyTypes = applyTypes
self.__useStringTypes = useStringTypes
self.__useFloat64 = useFloat64
self.__dApi = dictionaryApi
self.__copyInputData = copyInputData
self.__ignoreCastErrors = ignoreCastErrors
self.__applyMolStarTypes = kwargs.get("applyMolStarTypes", True)
self.__dch = DataCategoryHints()
serialize(self, filePath, containerList)
Serialize the input container list in binary CIF and store these data in the input file path.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
filePath |
str |
output file path |
required |
containerList |
list |
list of DataContainer objects |
required |
Source code in mmcif/io/
def serialize(self, filePath, containerList):
"""Serialize the input container list in binary CIF and store these data in the input file path.
filePath (str): output file path
containerList (list): list of DataContainer objects
blocks = []
for container in containerList:
name = container.getName()
block = {self.__toBytes("header"): self.__toBytes(name), self.__toBytes("categories"): []}
categories = block[self.__toBytes("categories")]
for catName in container.getObjNameList():
cObj = container.getObj(catName)
if self.__applyTypes:
cObj = DataCategoryTyped(cObj, dictionaryApi=self.__dApi, copyInputData=self.__copyInputData,
ignoreCastErrors=self.__ignoreCastErrors, applyMolStarTypes=self.__applyMolStarTypes)
rowCount = cObj.getRowCount()
cols = []
for ii, atName in enumerate(cObj.getAttributeList()):
colDataList = cObj.getColumn(ii)
dataType = self.__getAttributeType(cObj, atName) if not self.__useStringTypes else "string"
logger.debug("catName %r atName %r dataType %r", catName, atName, dataType)
colMaskDict, encodedColDataList, encodingDictL = self.__encodeColumnData(colDataList, dataType)
self.__toBytes("name"): self.__toBytes(atName),
self.__toBytes("mask"): colMaskDict,
self.__toBytes("data"): {self.__toBytes("data"): encodedColDataList, self.__toBytes("encoding"): encodingDictL},
categories.append({self.__toBytes("name"): self.__toBytes("_" + catName), self.__toBytes("columns"): cols, self.__toBytes("rowCount"): rowCount})
data = {
self.__toBytes("version"): self.__toBytes(self.__version),
self.__toBytes("encoder"): self.__toBytes("python-mmcif library"),
self.__toBytes("dataBlocks"): blocks,
with open(filePath, "wb") as ofh:
msgpack.pack(data, ofh)
return True
except Exception as e:
logger.exception("Failing with %s", str(e))
return False
Column oriented Binary CIF encoders implementing StringArray, ByteArray, IntegerPacking, Delta, RunLength, and FixedPoint encoders from the BinaryCIF specification described in:
Sehnal D, Bittrich S, Velankar S, Koca J, Svobodova R, Burley SK, Rose AS. BinaryCIF and CIFTools-Lightweight, efficient and extensible macromolecular data management. PLoS Comput Biol. 2020 Oct 19;16(10):e1008247. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008247. PMID: 33075050; PMCID: PMC7595629.
and in the specification at
and from the I/HM Python implementation at
Source code in mmcif/io/
class BinaryCifEncoders(object):
"""Column oriented Binary CIF encoders implementing
StringArray, ByteArray, IntegerPacking, Delta, RunLength,
and FixedPoint encoders from the BinaryCIF specification described in:
Sehnal D, Bittrich S, Velankar S, Koca J, Svobodova R, Burley SK, Rose AS.
BinaryCIF and CIFTools-Lightweight, efficient and extensible macromolecular data management.
PLoS Comput Biol. 2020 Oct 19;16(10):e1008247.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008247. PMID: 33075050; PMCID: PMC7595629.
and in the specification at
and from the I/HM Python implementation at
def __init__(self, defaultStringEncoding="utf-8", storeStringsAsBytes=True, useFloat64=False):
"""Instantiate the binary CIF encoder class.
defaultStringEncoding (str, optional): default encoding for string data . Defaults to "utf-8".
storeStringsAsBytes (bool, optional): strings are stored as bytes. Defaults to True.
useFloat64 (bool, optional): store floats in 64 bit precision. Defaults to True.
self.__unknown = [".", "?"]
self.__defaultStringEncoding = defaultStringEncoding
self.__storeStringsAsBytes = storeStringsAsBytes
self.__useFloat64 = useFloat64
self.__bCifTypeCodeD = {v: k for k, v in BinaryCifDecoders.bCifCodeTypeD.items()}
def __getDataType(self, colTypedDataList):
"""Returns type of data array - or 'integer_32' """
if colTypedDataList.dtype:
return colTypedDataList.dtype
return "integer_32"
def encode(self, colDataList, encodingTypeList, dataType):
"""Encode the data using the input list of encoding types returning encoded data and encoding instructions.
colDataList (list or TypedArray): input data to be encoded
encodingTypeList (list): list of encoding types (ByteArray, Delta, or RunLength)
dataType (string): column input data type (string, integer, float)
(list, list ): encoded data column, list of encoding instructions
encodingDictL = []
legacy = False
if type(colDataList) is list:
colDataList = TypedArray(colDataList)
legacy = True
encDict = None
for encType in encodingTypeList:
if encType == "ByteArray":
colDataList, encDict = self.byteArrayEncoderTyped(colDataList, dataType)
elif encType == "Delta":
colDataList, encDict = self.deltaEncoderTyped(colDataList)
elif encType == "RunLength":
colDataList, encDict = self.runLengthEncoderTyped(colDataList)
elif encType == "IntegerPacking":
colDataList, encDict = self.integerPackingEncoderTyped(colDataList)
else:"unsupported encoding %r", encType)
if encDict is not None:
if legacy:
return, encodingDictL
return colDataList, encodingDictL
def encodeWithMask(self, colDataList, colMaskList, encodingType):
"""Encode the data using the input mask and encoding type returning encoded data and encoding instructions.
colDataList (string): input data column
colMaskList (list): incompleteness mask for the input data column
encodingType (string): encoding type to apply (StringArrayMask, IntArrayMasked, FloatArrayMasked)
(list, list ): encoded data column, list of encoding instructions
encodedColDataList = []
encodingDictL = []
if encodingType == "StringArrayMasked":
encodedColDataList, encodingDictL = self.stringArrayMaskedEncoder(colDataList, colMaskList)
elif encodingType == "IntArrayMasked":
encodedColDataList, encodingDictL = self.intArrayMaskedEncoder(colDataList, colMaskList)
elif encodingType == "FloatArrayMasked":
encodedColDataList, encodingDictL = self.floatArrayMaskedEncoder(colDataList, colMaskList)
else:"unsupported masked encoding %r", encodingType)
return encodedColDataList, encodingDictL
def __getIntegerPackingType(self, colDataList):
"""Determine the integer packing type of the input integer data list"""
minV = min(colDataList)
maxV = max(colDataList)
if minV >= 0:
# Unsigned types
for typeName in ["unsigned_integer_8", "unsigned_integer_16", "unsigned_integer_32"]:
byteArrayType = self.__bCifTypeCodeD[typeName]
upperLimit = BinaryCifDecoders.bCifTypeD[typeName]["max"]
if maxV <= upperLimit:
return byteArrayType
# Signed types
for typeName in ["integer_8", "integer_16", "integer_32"]:
byteArrayType = self.__bCifTypeCodeD[typeName]
upperLimit = BinaryCifDecoders.bCifTypeD[typeName]["max"]
lowerLimit = BinaryCifDecoders.bCifTypeD[typeName]["min"]
if minV >= lowerLimit and maxV <= upperLimit:
return byteArrayType
except Exception as e:
logger.exception("Failing with %s", str(e))
raise TypeError("Cannot determine integer packing type")
def byteArrayEncoder(self, colDataList, dataType):
"""Encode integer or float list in a packed byte array.
data (list): list of integer or float data
dataType (str): data type (integer|float)
bytes: byte encoded packed data
colDataListTyped = TypedArray(colDataList)
cList, encDict = self.byteArrayEncoderTyped(colDataListTyped, dataType)
return, encDict
def byteArrayEncoderTyped(self, colTypedDataList, dataType):
"""Encode integer or float list in a packed byte array.
data (TypedArray): list of integer or float data
dataType (str): data type (integer|float)
TypedArray: byte encoded packed data
if dataType == "float":
byteArrayType = self.__bCifTypeCodeD["float_64"] if self.__useFloat64 else self.__bCifTypeCodeD["float_32"]
byteArrayType = self.__getIntegerPackingType(
encodingD = {self.__toBytes("kind"): self.__toBytes("ByteArray"), self.__toBytes("type"): byteArrayType}
fmt = BinaryCifDecoders.bCifTypeD[BinaryCifDecoders.bCifCodeTypeD[byteArrayType]]["struct_format_code"]
# Data are encoded little-endian '<'
encodedData = struct.pack("<" + fmt * len(, *
encodedTypedData = TypedArray(encodedData)
return encodedTypedData, encodingD
def deltaEncoder(self, colDataList, minLen=40):
"""Encode an integer list as a list of consecutive differences.
colDataList (list): list of integer data
minLen (int, optional): minimum list length to apply encoder. Defaults to 40.
list: delta encoded integer list
colDataListTyped = TypedArray(colDataList)
cList, encDict = self.deltaEncoderTyped(colDataListTyped, minLen)
return, encDict
def deltaEncoderTyped(self, colTypedDataList, minLen=40):
"""Encode an integer list as a list of consecutive differences.
colTypedDataList (list): list of integer data
minLen (int, optional): minimum list length to apply encoder. Defaults to 40.
TypedArray: delta encoded integer list (integer_8, integer_16, integer_32)
if colTypedDataList.dtype and colTypedDataList.dtype not in ["integer_8", "integer_16", "integer_32"]:
raise TypeError("Only signed integer types can be encoded with delta encoder: %s" % colTypedDataList.dtype)
if len( <= minLen:
return colTypedDataList, None
byteArrayType = self.__getDataType(colTypedDataList)
encodingD = {self.__toBytes("kind"): self.__toBytes("Delta"), self.__toBytes("origin"):[0], self.__toBytes("srcType"): self.__bCifTypeCodeD[byteArrayType]}
encodedColDataList = [0] + [[i] -[i - 1] for i in range(1, len(]
encodedTypedColDataList = TypedArray(encodedColDataList, byteArrayType)
return encodedTypedColDataList, encodingD
def runLengthEncoder(self, colDataList, minLen=40):
"""Encode an integer array as pairs of (value, number of repeats)
colDataList (list): list of integer data
minLen (int, optional): minimum list length to apply encoder. Defaults to 40.
list: runlength encoded integer list
colDataListTyped = TypedArray(colDataList)
cList, encDict = self.runLengthEncoderTyped(colDataListTyped, minLen)
return, encDict
def runLengthEncoderTyped(self, colTypedDataList, minLen=40):
"""Encode an integer array as pairs of (value, number of repeats)
colTypedDataList (TypedArray): list of integer data (signed and unsigned 8/16/32 bit types)
minLen (int, optional): minimum list length to apply encoder. Defaults to 40.
TypedArray: runlength encoded integer list (integer_32)
if len( <= minLen:
return colTypedDataList, None
byteArrayType = "integer_32"
encodingD = {self.__toBytes("kind"): self.__toBytes("RunLength"), self.__toBytes("srcType"): self.__bCifTypeCodeD[byteArrayType],
self.__toBytes("srcSize"): len(}
encodedColDataList = []
val = None
repeat = 1
for colVal in
if colVal != val:
if val is not None:
encodedColDataList.extend((val, repeat))
val = colVal
repeat = 1
repeat += 1
encodedColDataList.extend((val, repeat))
# Check for any gains and possibly retreat
if len(encodedColDataList) > len(
return colTypedDataList, None
encodedTypedColDataList = TypedArray(encodedColDataList, byteArrayType)
return encodedTypedColDataList, encodingD
def stringArrayMaskedEncoder(self, colDataList, colMaskList):
"""Encode the input data column (string) along with the incompleteness mask.
colDataList (list): input data column (string)
colMaskList (list): incompleteness mask
(list, list): encoded data column, list of encoding instructions
integerEncoderList = ["Delta", "RunLength", "IntegerPacking", "ByteArray"]
uniqStringIndex = {} # keys are substrings, values indices
uniqStringList = []
indexList = []
for i, strVal in enumerate(colDataList):
if colMaskList is not None and colMaskList[i]:
tS = strVal
tS = str(tS)
if tS not in uniqStringIndex:
uniqStringIndex[tS] = len(uniqStringIndex)
offsetList = [0]
runningLen = 0
for tS in uniqStringList:
runningLen += len(tS)
encodedOffsetList, offsetEncodingDictL = self.encode(offsetList, integerEncoderList, "integer")
encodedIndexList, indexEncodingDictL = self.encode(indexList, integerEncoderList, "integer")
encodingDict = {
self.__toBytes("kind"): self.__toBytes("StringArray"),
self.__toBytes("dataEncoding"): indexEncodingDictL,
self.__toBytes("stringData"): self.__toBytes("".join(uniqStringList)),
self.__toBytes("offsetEncoding"): offsetEncodingDictL,
self.__toBytes("offsets"): encodedOffsetList,
return encodedIndexList, [encodingDict]
def intArrayMaskedEncoder(self, colDataList, colMaskList):
"""Encode the input data column (integer) along with the incompleteness mask.
colDataList (list): input data column (string)
colMaskList (list): incompleteness mask
(list, list): encoded data column, list of encoding instructions
integerEncoderList = ["Delta", "RunLength", "IntegerPacking", "ByteArray"]
if colMaskList:
maskedColDataList = [-1 if m else d for m, d in zip(colMaskList, colDataList)]
maskedColDataList = colDataList
encodedColDataList, encodingDictL = self.encode(maskedColDataList, integerEncoderList, "integer")
return encodedColDataList, encodingDictL
def floatArrayMaskedEncoder(self, colDataList, colMaskList):
"""Encode the input data column (float) along with the incompleteness mask.
colDataList (list): input data column (string)
colMaskList (list): incompleteness mask
(list, list): encoded data column, list of encoding instructions
floatEncoderList = ["ByteArray"]
if colMaskList:
maskedColDataList = [0.0 if m else d for m, d in zip(colMaskList, colDataList)]
maskedColDataList = colDataList
encodedColDataList, encodingDictL = self.encode(maskedColDataList, floatEncoderList, "float")
return encodedColDataList, encodingDictL
def getMask(self, colDataList):
"""Create an incompleteness mask list identifying missing/omitted values in the input data column.
The mask is assigned: 0 = Value is present, 1 = '.' (value not specified), and 2 = '?' (value unknown).
colDataList (list): input data column
list or None: mask list or None if the column contains no missing values
mask = None
for ii, colVal in enumerate(colDataList):
if colVal is not None and colVal not in self.__unknown:
if not mask:
mask = [0] * len(colDataList)
mask[ii] = 2 if colVal is None or colVal == "?" else 1
return mask
def __toBytes(self, strVal):
"""Optional conversion of the input string to bytes according to the class setting (storeStringsAsBytes).
strVal (string): input string
string or bytes: optionally converted string.
return strVal.encode(self.__defaultStringEncoding) if self.__storeStringsAsBytes else strVal
except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
logger.exception("Bad type for %r", strVal)
return strVal
# Support for IntegerPacking
def _determine_packing(self, colDataList):
"""Determines what the optimal IntegerPacking will be for a set of data.
IntegerPacking allows for values above maximum by duplicating MaxV, so it is not simply based on the maximum value.
Return information on data length and bytes per element.
def packing_size_signed(colDataList, upper_limit):
"""For signed data, determine packing with upper_limit, allowing repeats of max_val"""
lower_limit = -upper_limit - 1
size = 0
for colVal in colDataList:
if colVal >= 0:
size += int(colVal / upper_limit)
size += int(colVal / lower_limit)
return size + len(colDataList)
def packing_size_unsigned(colDataList, upper_limit):
"""For unsigned data, determine packing with upper_limit, allowing repeats of max_val"""
size = 0
for colVal in colDataList:
size += int(colVal / upper_limit)
return size + len(colDataList)
minV = min(colDataList)
is_signed = True if minV < 0 else False
size8 = packing_size_signed(colDataList, 0x7F) if is_signed else packing_size_unsigned(colDataList, 0xFF)
size16 = packing_size_signed(colDataList, 0x7FFF) if is_signed else packing_size_unsigned(colDataList, 0xFFFF)
dlen = len(colDataList)
# Determine optimal packing
if dlen * 4 < size16 * 2:
size = dlen
nbytes = 4
elif size16 * 2 < size8:
size = size16
nbytes = 2
size = size8
nbytes = 1
return {"size": size, "bytes": nbytes, "isSigned": is_signed}
except Exception as e:
logger.exception("Failing with %s", str(e))
raise TypeError("Cannot determine integer packing type")
def integerPackingEncoder(self, colDataList):
"""Encode a 32-bit integer array as 8-bit or 16-bit encoding
colDataList (list): list of integer data
list: packed encoded 8-bit/16-bit integer list
colDataListTyped = TypedArray(colDataList)
cList, encDict = self.integerPackingEncoderTyped(colDataListTyped)
return, encDict
def integerPackingEncoderTyped(self, colTypedDataList):
"""Encode a 32-bit integer array as 8-bit or 16-bit encoding
colTypedDataList (TypedArray): list of integer data (integer_32 required)
TypedArray: packed encoded 8-bit/16-bit integer list
if colTypedDataList.dtype and colTypedDataList.dtype not in ["integer_32"]:
raise TypeError("Only integer-32 can be encoded with delta encoder: %s" % colTypedDataList.dtype)
packing = self._determine_packing(
nbytes = packing["bytes"]
isSigned = packing["isSigned"]
if nbytes == 4:
# We will not be packing
return colTypedDataList, None
encodingD = {self.__toBytes("kind"): self.__toBytes("IntegerPacking"), self.__toBytes("byteCount"): nbytes,
self.__toBytes("srcSize"): len(, self.__toBytes("isUnsigned"): not isSigned}
encodedColDataList = []
if isSigned:
upper_limit = 0x7F if nbytes == 1 else 0x7FFF
upper_limit = 0xFF if nbytes == 1 else 0xFFFF
lower_limit = -upper_limit - 1
# Pack data
for colVal in
if colVal >= 0:
while colVal >= upper_limit:
colVal -= upper_limit
while colVal <= lower_limit:
colVal -= lower_limit
byteArrayType = None # Should never happen, but keep pylint happy. 4 bytes handled above
if nbytes == 1:
byteArrayType = "integer_8" if isSigned else "unsigned_integer_8"
elif nbytes == 2:
byteArrayType = "integer_16" if isSigned else "unsigned_integer_16"
encodedTypedColDataList = TypedArray(encodedColDataList, byteArrayType)
return encodedTypedColDataList, encodingD
__init__(self, defaultStringEncoding='utf-8', storeStringsAsBytes=True, useFloat64=False)
Instantiate the binary CIF encoder class.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
defaultStringEncoding |
str |
default encoding for string data . Defaults to "utf-8". |
'utf-8' |
storeStringsAsBytes |
bool |
strings are stored as bytes. Defaults to True. |
True |
useFloat64 |
bool |
store floats in 64 bit precision. Defaults to True. |
False |
Source code in mmcif/io/
def __init__(self, defaultStringEncoding="utf-8", storeStringsAsBytes=True, useFloat64=False):
"""Instantiate the binary CIF encoder class.
defaultStringEncoding (str, optional): default encoding for string data . Defaults to "utf-8".
storeStringsAsBytes (bool, optional): strings are stored as bytes. Defaults to True.
useFloat64 (bool, optional): store floats in 64 bit precision. Defaults to True.
self.__unknown = [".", "?"]
self.__defaultStringEncoding = defaultStringEncoding
self.__storeStringsAsBytes = storeStringsAsBytes
self.__useFloat64 = useFloat64
self.__bCifTypeCodeD = {v: k for k, v in BinaryCifDecoders.bCifCodeTypeD.items()}
byteArrayEncoder(self, colDataList, dataType)
Encode integer or float list in a packed byte array.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
data |
list |
list of integer or float data |
required |
dataType |
str |
data type (integer|float) |
required |
Type | Description |
bytes |
byte encoded packed data |
Source code in mmcif/io/
def byteArrayEncoder(self, colDataList, dataType):
"""Encode integer or float list in a packed byte array.
data (list): list of integer or float data
dataType (str): data type (integer|float)
bytes: byte encoded packed data
colDataListTyped = TypedArray(colDataList)
cList, encDict = self.byteArrayEncoderTyped(colDataListTyped, dataType)
return, encDict
byteArrayEncoderTyped(self, colTypedDataList, dataType)
Encode integer or float list in a packed byte array.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
data |
TypedArray |
list of integer or float data |
required |
dataType |
str |
data type (integer|float) |
required |
Type | Description |
TypedArray |
byte encoded packed data |
Source code in mmcif/io/
def byteArrayEncoderTyped(self, colTypedDataList, dataType):
"""Encode integer or float list in a packed byte array.
data (TypedArray): list of integer or float data
dataType (str): data type (integer|float)
TypedArray: byte encoded packed data
if dataType == "float":
byteArrayType = self.__bCifTypeCodeD["float_64"] if self.__useFloat64 else self.__bCifTypeCodeD["float_32"]
byteArrayType = self.__getIntegerPackingType(
encodingD = {self.__toBytes("kind"): self.__toBytes("ByteArray"), self.__toBytes("type"): byteArrayType}
fmt = BinaryCifDecoders.bCifTypeD[BinaryCifDecoders.bCifCodeTypeD[byteArrayType]]["struct_format_code"]
# Data are encoded little-endian '<'
encodedData = struct.pack("<" + fmt * len(, *
encodedTypedData = TypedArray(encodedData)
return encodedTypedData, encodingD
deltaEncoder(self, colDataList, minLen=40)
Encode an integer list as a list of consecutive differences.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
colDataList |
list |
list of integer data |
required |
minLen |
int |
minimum list length to apply encoder. Defaults to 40. |
40 |
Type | Description |
list |
delta encoded integer list |
Source code in mmcif/io/
def deltaEncoder(self, colDataList, minLen=40):
"""Encode an integer list as a list of consecutive differences.
colDataList (list): list of integer data
minLen (int, optional): minimum list length to apply encoder. Defaults to 40.
list: delta encoded integer list
colDataListTyped = TypedArray(colDataList)
cList, encDict = self.deltaEncoderTyped(colDataListTyped, minLen)
return, encDict
deltaEncoderTyped(self, colTypedDataList, minLen=40)
Encode an integer list as a list of consecutive differences.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
colTypedDataList |
list |
list of integer data |
required |
minLen |
int |
minimum list length to apply encoder. Defaults to 40. |
40 |
Type | Description |
TypedArray |
delta encoded integer list (integer_8, integer_16, integer_32) |
Source code in mmcif/io/
def deltaEncoderTyped(self, colTypedDataList, minLen=40):
"""Encode an integer list as a list of consecutive differences.
colTypedDataList (list): list of integer data
minLen (int, optional): minimum list length to apply encoder. Defaults to 40.
TypedArray: delta encoded integer list (integer_8, integer_16, integer_32)
if colTypedDataList.dtype and colTypedDataList.dtype not in ["integer_8", "integer_16", "integer_32"]:
raise TypeError("Only signed integer types can be encoded with delta encoder: %s" % colTypedDataList.dtype)
if len( <= minLen:
return colTypedDataList, None
byteArrayType = self.__getDataType(colTypedDataList)
encodingD = {self.__toBytes("kind"): self.__toBytes("Delta"), self.__toBytes("origin"):[0], self.__toBytes("srcType"): self.__bCifTypeCodeD[byteArrayType]}
encodedColDataList = [0] + [[i] -[i - 1] for i in range(1, len(]
encodedTypedColDataList = TypedArray(encodedColDataList, byteArrayType)
return encodedTypedColDataList, encodingD
encode(self, colDataList, encodingTypeList, dataType)
Encode the data using the input list of encoding types returning encoded data and encoding instructions.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
colDataList |
list or TypedArray |
input data to be encoded |
required |
encodingTypeList |
list |
list of encoding types (ByteArray, Delta, or RunLength) |
required |
dataType |
string |
column input data type (string, integer, float) |
required |
Type | Description |
(list, list ) |
encoded data column, list of encoding instructions |
Source code in mmcif/io/
def encode(self, colDataList, encodingTypeList, dataType):
"""Encode the data using the input list of encoding types returning encoded data and encoding instructions.
colDataList (list or TypedArray): input data to be encoded
encodingTypeList (list): list of encoding types (ByteArray, Delta, or RunLength)
dataType (string): column input data type (string, integer, float)
(list, list ): encoded data column, list of encoding instructions
encodingDictL = []
legacy = False
if type(colDataList) is list:
colDataList = TypedArray(colDataList)
legacy = True
encDict = None
for encType in encodingTypeList:
if encType == "ByteArray":
colDataList, encDict = self.byteArrayEncoderTyped(colDataList, dataType)
elif encType == "Delta":
colDataList, encDict = self.deltaEncoderTyped(colDataList)
elif encType == "RunLength":
colDataList, encDict = self.runLengthEncoderTyped(colDataList)
elif encType == "IntegerPacking":
colDataList, encDict = self.integerPackingEncoderTyped(colDataList)
else:"unsupported encoding %r", encType)
if encDict is not None:
if legacy:
return, encodingDictL
return colDataList, encodingDictL
encodeWithMask(self, colDataList, colMaskList, encodingType)
Encode the data using the input mask and encoding type returning encoded data and encoding instructions.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
colDataList |
string |
input data column |
required |
colMaskList |
list |
incompleteness mask for the input data column |
required |
encodingType |
string |
encoding type to apply (StringArrayMask, IntArrayMasked, FloatArrayMasked) |
required |
Type | Description |
(list, list ) |
encoded data column, list of encoding instructions |
Source code in mmcif/io/
def encodeWithMask(self, colDataList, colMaskList, encodingType):
"""Encode the data using the input mask and encoding type returning encoded data and encoding instructions.
colDataList (string): input data column
colMaskList (list): incompleteness mask for the input data column
encodingType (string): encoding type to apply (StringArrayMask, IntArrayMasked, FloatArrayMasked)
(list, list ): encoded data column, list of encoding instructions
encodedColDataList = []
encodingDictL = []
if encodingType == "StringArrayMasked":
encodedColDataList, encodingDictL = self.stringArrayMaskedEncoder(colDataList, colMaskList)
elif encodingType == "IntArrayMasked":
encodedColDataList, encodingDictL = self.intArrayMaskedEncoder(colDataList, colMaskList)
elif encodingType == "FloatArrayMasked":
encodedColDataList, encodingDictL = self.floatArrayMaskedEncoder(colDataList, colMaskList)
else:"unsupported masked encoding %r", encodingType)
return encodedColDataList, encodingDictL
floatArrayMaskedEncoder(self, colDataList, colMaskList)
Encode the input data column (float) along with the incompleteness mask.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
colDataList |
list |
input data column (string) |
required |
colMaskList |
list |
incompleteness mask |
required |
Type | Description |
(list, list) |
encoded data column, list of encoding instructions |
Source code in mmcif/io/
def floatArrayMaskedEncoder(self, colDataList, colMaskList):
"""Encode the input data column (float) along with the incompleteness mask.
colDataList (list): input data column (string)
colMaskList (list): incompleteness mask
(list, list): encoded data column, list of encoding instructions
floatEncoderList = ["ByteArray"]
if colMaskList:
maskedColDataList = [0.0 if m else d for m, d in zip(colMaskList, colDataList)]
maskedColDataList = colDataList
encodedColDataList, encodingDictL = self.encode(maskedColDataList, floatEncoderList, "float")
return encodedColDataList, encodingDictL
getMask(self, colDataList)
Create an incompleteness mask list identifying missing/omitted values in the input data column. The mask is assigned: 0 = Value is present, 1 = '.' (value not specified), and 2 = '?' (value unknown).
Name | Type | Description | Default |
colDataList |
list |
input data column |
required |
Type | Description |
list or None |
mask list or None if the column contains no missing values |
Source code in mmcif/io/
def getMask(self, colDataList):
"""Create an incompleteness mask list identifying missing/omitted values in the input data column.
The mask is assigned: 0 = Value is present, 1 = '.' (value not specified), and 2 = '?' (value unknown).
colDataList (list): input data column
list or None: mask list or None if the column contains no missing values
mask = None
for ii, colVal in enumerate(colDataList):
if colVal is not None and colVal not in self.__unknown:
if not mask:
mask = [0] * len(colDataList)
mask[ii] = 2 if colVal is None or colVal == "?" else 1
return mask
intArrayMaskedEncoder(self, colDataList, colMaskList)
Encode the input data column (integer) along with the incompleteness mask.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
colDataList |
list |
input data column (string) |
required |
colMaskList |
list |
incompleteness mask |
required |
Type | Description |
(list, list) |
encoded data column, list of encoding instructions |
Source code in mmcif/io/
def intArrayMaskedEncoder(self, colDataList, colMaskList):
"""Encode the input data column (integer) along with the incompleteness mask.
colDataList (list): input data column (string)
colMaskList (list): incompleteness mask
(list, list): encoded data column, list of encoding instructions
integerEncoderList = ["Delta", "RunLength", "IntegerPacking", "ByteArray"]
if colMaskList:
maskedColDataList = [-1 if m else d for m, d in zip(colMaskList, colDataList)]
maskedColDataList = colDataList
encodedColDataList, encodingDictL = self.encode(maskedColDataList, integerEncoderList, "integer")
return encodedColDataList, encodingDictL
integerPackingEncoder(self, colDataList)
Encode a 32-bit integer array as 8-bit or 16-bit encoding
Name | Type | Description | Default |
colDataList |
list |
list of integer data |
required |
Type | Description |
list |
packed encoded 8-bit/16-bit integer list |
Source code in mmcif/io/
def integerPackingEncoder(self, colDataList):
"""Encode a 32-bit integer array as 8-bit or 16-bit encoding
colDataList (list): list of integer data
list: packed encoded 8-bit/16-bit integer list
colDataListTyped = TypedArray(colDataList)
cList, encDict = self.integerPackingEncoderTyped(colDataListTyped)
return, encDict
integerPackingEncoderTyped(self, colTypedDataList)
Encode a 32-bit integer array as 8-bit or 16-bit encoding
Name | Type | Description | Default |
colTypedDataList |
TypedArray |
list of integer data (integer_32 required) |
required |
Type | Description |
TypedArray |
packed encoded 8-bit/16-bit integer list |
Source code in mmcif/io/
def integerPackingEncoderTyped(self, colTypedDataList):
"""Encode a 32-bit integer array as 8-bit or 16-bit encoding
colTypedDataList (TypedArray): list of integer data (integer_32 required)
TypedArray: packed encoded 8-bit/16-bit integer list
if colTypedDataList.dtype and colTypedDataList.dtype not in ["integer_32"]:
raise TypeError("Only integer-32 can be encoded with delta encoder: %s" % colTypedDataList.dtype)
packing = self._determine_packing(
nbytes = packing["bytes"]
isSigned = packing["isSigned"]
if nbytes == 4:
# We will not be packing
return colTypedDataList, None
encodingD = {self.__toBytes("kind"): self.__toBytes("IntegerPacking"), self.__toBytes("byteCount"): nbytes,
self.__toBytes("srcSize"): len(, self.__toBytes("isUnsigned"): not isSigned}
encodedColDataList = []
if isSigned:
upper_limit = 0x7F if nbytes == 1 else 0x7FFF
upper_limit = 0xFF if nbytes == 1 else 0xFFFF
lower_limit = -upper_limit - 1
# Pack data
for colVal in
if colVal >= 0:
while colVal >= upper_limit:
colVal -= upper_limit
while colVal <= lower_limit:
colVal -= lower_limit
byteArrayType = None # Should never happen, but keep pylint happy. 4 bytes handled above
if nbytes == 1:
byteArrayType = "integer_8" if isSigned else "unsigned_integer_8"
elif nbytes == 2:
byteArrayType = "integer_16" if isSigned else "unsigned_integer_16"
encodedTypedColDataList = TypedArray(encodedColDataList, byteArrayType)
return encodedTypedColDataList, encodingD
runLengthEncoder(self, colDataList, minLen=40)
Encode an integer array as pairs of (value, number of repeats)
Name | Type | Description | Default |
colDataList |
list |
list of integer data |
required |
minLen |
int |
minimum list length to apply encoder. Defaults to 40. |
40 |
Type | Description |
list |
runlength encoded integer list |
Source code in mmcif/io/
def runLengthEncoder(self, colDataList, minLen=40):
"""Encode an integer array as pairs of (value, number of repeats)
colDataList (list): list of integer data
minLen (int, optional): minimum list length to apply encoder. Defaults to 40.
list: runlength encoded integer list
colDataListTyped = TypedArray(colDataList)
cList, encDict = self.runLengthEncoderTyped(colDataListTyped, minLen)
return, encDict
runLengthEncoderTyped(self, colTypedDataList, minLen=40)
Encode an integer array as pairs of (value, number of repeats)
Name | Type | Description | Default |
colTypedDataList |
TypedArray |
list of integer data (signed and unsigned 8/16/32 bit types) |
required |
minLen |
int |
minimum list length to apply encoder. Defaults to 40. |
40 |
Type | Description |
TypedArray |
runlength encoded integer list (integer_32) |
Source code in mmcif/io/
def runLengthEncoderTyped(self, colTypedDataList, minLen=40):
"""Encode an integer array as pairs of (value, number of repeats)
colTypedDataList (TypedArray): list of integer data (signed and unsigned 8/16/32 bit types)
minLen (int, optional): minimum list length to apply encoder. Defaults to 40.
TypedArray: runlength encoded integer list (integer_32)
if len( <= minLen:
return colTypedDataList, None
byteArrayType = "integer_32"
encodingD = {self.__toBytes("kind"): self.__toBytes("RunLength"), self.__toBytes("srcType"): self.__bCifTypeCodeD[byteArrayType],
self.__toBytes("srcSize"): len(}
encodedColDataList = []
val = None
repeat = 1
for colVal in
if colVal != val:
if val is not None:
encodedColDataList.extend((val, repeat))
val = colVal
repeat = 1
repeat += 1
encodedColDataList.extend((val, repeat))
# Check for any gains and possibly retreat
if len(encodedColDataList) > len(
return colTypedDataList, None
encodedTypedColDataList = TypedArray(encodedColDataList, byteArrayType)
return encodedTypedColDataList, encodingD
stringArrayMaskedEncoder(self, colDataList, colMaskList)
Encode the input data column (string) along with the incompleteness mask.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
colDataList |
list |
input data column (string) |
required |
colMaskList |
list |
incompleteness mask |
required |
Type | Description |
(list, list) |
encoded data column, list of encoding instructions |
Source code in mmcif/io/
def stringArrayMaskedEncoder(self, colDataList, colMaskList):
"""Encode the input data column (string) along with the incompleteness mask.
colDataList (list): input data column (string)
colMaskList (list): incompleteness mask
(list, list): encoded data column, list of encoding instructions
integerEncoderList = ["Delta", "RunLength", "IntegerPacking", "ByteArray"]
uniqStringIndex = {} # keys are substrings, values indices
uniqStringList = []
indexList = []
for i, strVal in enumerate(colDataList):
if colMaskList is not None and colMaskList[i]:
tS = strVal
tS = str(tS)
if tS not in uniqStringIndex:
uniqStringIndex[tS] = len(uniqStringIndex)
offsetList = [0]
runningLen = 0
for tS in uniqStringList:
runningLen += len(tS)
encodedOffsetList, offsetEncodingDictL = self.encode(offsetList, integerEncoderList, "integer")
encodedIndexList, indexEncodingDictL = self.encode(indexList, integerEncoderList, "integer")
encodingDict = {
self.__toBytes("kind"): self.__toBytes("StringArray"),
self.__toBytes("dataEncoding"): indexEncodingDictL,
self.__toBytes("stringData"): self.__toBytes("".join(uniqStringList)),
self.__toBytes("offsetEncoding"): offsetEncodingDictL,
self.__toBytes("offsets"): encodedOffsetList,
return encodedIndexList, [encodingDict]